Pre-1500 Help with Merge Request (accept or reject the merge)

+7 votes

Leger-616  Thomas St Leger (abt 1377-1408, Otterden, Kent, England)

Potyn-1  Juliana (Potyn) St Leger (abt 1377-)

St_Leger-143  Thomas St Leger (abt 1350-1408, Otterden, Kent, England)

Poteyn-1  Juliana (Poteyn) St Leger (abt. 1359 - abt. 1417)

Hello, I know you all are busy and this request should probably be classified as a low priority item. I believe the four profiles presented above are duplicates. 

Issue: Both Thomas' are both married to the same person (with their own duplicate profiles); their death years agree. The difference is their b. year estimate and parents names.

If they are not duplicates then (unsourced) Leger-616 is probably connected to the wrong wife and may be using the death year from Thomas St. Leger (II). Refer to the following source:

"The Reliquary and Illustrated Archeologists: A Quarterly Journal and Review" (Oct 1894) Vol. VIII ( New Series) p.232 Hand drawn illustration, plate VIII. p.233 "Discovery of an Unrecorded Monumental Brass" by Rev. Canon W. A. Scott Robertson, Rector of Otterden, Kent.

Brief background: Thomas St. Leger, son of Thomas and Lora (Peyforer) St. Leger of Otterden, died (22 April) 1408 and was buried at the high alter in the Otterden parish church, Kent, based upon information presented by the church rector who, in 1894, reported in detail about the discovery of the monumental brass of Thomas St. Leger (II). Prior to this discovery the brass was hidden from view for about 140 years beginning when the church was rebuilt during the 1750's. The brass itself was reported to be in excellent if not mostly pristine condition. It is over 7 feet long.

Post Script: Let me add additional (helpful?) info: Wife Juliana may need to be LNAB 'Unknown'. Both wives profiles (which need merging) are unsourced. Rev. Robertson doesn't give her LNAB but he does provide a genealogical trail. He states she was a 3 time widow who first married James Lapyn of East Hall, Murston, Kent and second John de Cobeham and third Thomas St. Leger (Sr.). [Robertson, 234]

WikiTree profile: Thomas St Leger
in Policy and Style by Leigh Anne Dear G2G6 Pilot (169k points)
retagged by Darlene Athey-Hill
I don't see any merge proposals for these profiles.

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Hi Leigh Anne,

I went to St_Leger-143 and saw two lengthy comments that you placed on that profile yesterday.  Ditto with Leger-616.  The 'problem' is that these profiles have no profile manager and no one on their trusted list, which means that your comments go unnoticed unless you bring them up on G2G (or place in the comments section of a proposed merge).

It's helpful when someone sees what they think are duplicates if they go ahead and propose the merges.

The information you present is interesting.  In order to determine the parents, however, we need to locate a reliable source.  I've not reviewed the link you've provided to see if the writer indicated his source(s) for naming the parents of Thomas.  At this point, we need to see if there were actually two Thomas St Leger's and if one of these profiles just had the wrong wife attached and the wrong death date.  I'm going to tag your question with 'medieval' and 'England' to bring it to the attention of project members.

I've located information on Juliana's father Nicholas (and located duplicate profiles for him, which I've merged) which confirms the proper spelling of her LNAB.  I've gone ahead and merged the duplicate Juliana profiles and added a source.  The source names Thomas' father as Ralph...

Thanks for bringing this up!
by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (588k points)
selected by Richard Devlin

I have proposed a merge of the two Thomas profiles.  Additionally, I've posted on G2G trying to figure out if we have one or two Thomas' and who were his/their parents.  See here.  Once we can figure it out, the merge can be completed or rejected.  If rejected, Juliane can be detached from the incorrect spouse.

I have gone ahead and merged the two Thomas profiles.  One of them had an incorrect LNAB (Leger), so it would have needed to be changed anyway.  I've added a note in the bio as to the uncertainty of the parents.

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