Rollie Elsberry Murphy Jr. (1925-2016)'s AncestryDNA Test Details & Connections


Added by Lukas Murphy on Feb 23, 2022.
I manage several DNA tests on ancestry so be sure to look at the correct test.

Also see Rollie Elsberry Murphy Jr. (1925-2016)'s DNA test list and the list of AncestryDNA test-takers.

See AncestryDNA for information on their tests.

Here are family members that have been connected for Rollie Elsberry Murphy Jr. (1925-2016)'s autosomal DNA test. This includes all blood relatives within eight degrees of separation — up to sixth great-grandparents and out to third cousins.

Click ancestor ancestors and descendant icons descendants by individuals' names in the list below to see their trees. Click a Relationship Finder icon Find Relationship to see their relationship to Rollie Elsberry Murphy Jr. (1925-2016).

To facilitate comparing DNA test results, people on this list who are living are marked.