Let Your Personality Shine on the Weekend Chat! (6-8 Oct 2017)

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   New Members Saying Hello (our favorite!)

   Puzzles by Laura Bozzay

   "Today Is" by Dorothy Barry

   Eddy's Picks - Movies & Music

   Where in the World is Steve Today?

   Members Checking in via "All About the Weekend Chat"


Have fun and let others know you liked their posts... click the stars and mark answers you like as "best".  Those posts will be temporarily highlighted by being placed as the first answer in the chat for a while.  Members will also receive email notification (unless they opted out) that let them know you liked what they did.

At the end of the weekend "best answer" will be removed as all answers are equal in the eyes of the Chat.  Click to learn more.

It's ok.... go for it!



The Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to, and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and many will enjoy their multitude of reading options.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread good will :)


in The Tree House by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (835k points)
edited by Keith Hathaway
Thank you for hosting Laura!
You are most welcome!
Hi Laura!  Thanks for hosting!
Laura, Thanks for hosting the Chat. Bob
Thanks Laura for being the host this weekend!  Enjoy yourself, eh?  :-)
Having fun sitting next to my 6 month old granddaughter.  We just finished watching the Disney movie Moana which is lots of fun.  She loved it.  Now she is looking at books.
Hi Laura! Hope you have a great time at hosting. Thank you for doing. :)
Thank you, Laura, for hosting the chat this weekend.
HI All,

Thanks for the reminder Keith and thanks Laura for hosting.
Thanks Laura for hosting the weekend chat and Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.

Thank you very much for hosting this weeks chat.  I must admit that this is the very first one I have attended.  However, it won't be my last.  I can tell you.

Taylor we love getting new chat members!  Please feel free to post things that are of interest to you.  This is a great way to get to know your fellow wikitreers as people!  Some great friendships get forged in these chats!

Welcome to the chat!
Taylor welcome to the weekend chat.
Thank you Laura.

I have been spending a great deal of time trying to help my mother in law Patricia Gilchrist, who is a very sharp 84 understand what Wikitree is.  Patricia has a computer, but wouldn't dream of letting the evil internet invade her computer records!

Patricia's mother Dorothy Morgan Gould paid a professional genealogist to research her ancestory and she is related to Morgan the Pirate and a few other unsavory characters in history. However, Patricia is interested in her fathers line the "Cox" line. Some of Pat's family that I have put profiles up on Wikitree I have printed off the profile and all the supporting documentation.  I then typed a letter explaining how I write the Biography utilizing the documentation.  I have explained to her that I can't talk about a sibling by name that does not have a profile.  She is amazed that I am able to acquire all the supporting documents for the various events in an individuals life.  I now have four profiles ready to be sent off to her.  I know that she will be quite amazed by how complex a profile can become at telling a persons life story.

The process that we go thru to create a profile is truly amazing to someone who is not involved in genealogy.

Taylor that is great!  I have a sharp 86 year old aunt that I take out about once a week.  So much fun.  You are right a well sourced and well written bio are a legacy gift for anyone who comes across it.
Friday was a fun and informative day on the chat.  Can't wait to see what pops up today, Saturday on the chat!   Notice we have 2 pages of chat so don't miss additional postings on page 2.
Since the SAT, I have been working on DNA matches at gedmatch. A Thornton cousin sent me the gedmatch numbers of her mother, a 1st cousin to her mother, and then numbers to other cousins of the descendants of Johnston Thornton-3265. Johnston was a brother to my 2nd ggf William.

Out of 6 numbers, I only matched one, her mother. So I used gedmatch's "People who match one or both of 2 kits Update", even to the people I didn't match. My thinking was, even if I didn't match this number, there might be others we might both match. ALL 6 numbers, and 403 names later.... then I started looking at duplicates who matched between me and any of the others.

I then added a descendant of a known sister of William and Johnston. (Yes, Wiley and Elizabeth named two sons after Elizabeth side of the family, Littleton and Johnston. Elizabeth's father was Littleton Johnston)

I'm still processing all the data, now at 458 lines.
WOW! Glad to know how the "match one or both of 2 kits" works.  Can't wait to try it on my recent finds.  Amazing how those little bits of DNA are  distributed.
If you do the 1 to Many test, you get 2000 about. thats too much to process and you don't know if it on which side. Even if they have a ged up... they probably don't have your info.

And I used people I didn't match. Also, I didn't match the descendant of Mary Thornton Bennett. I can't remember if she matched the others of Johnston.

I'm also doing this on known Jesters.

Also... if you use the 2 kits thingy, you will get results in a 3 part page.

1. who you both match

2. who you match or person in the 1st position that the #2 doesn't.

3. who matches #2 that you don't.

I don't pay attention to 2 or 3 because its probably the other side of the families.

So if you do the 1 to 1 compare, and you don't match, do the 2 kits.  Then run those numbers on a 1 to many and see if someone might have a ged/wiki up.
A while ago I worked on my "Suggestion" list and I had a bunch of profiles with mothers that either were not born or dead before their children (my profiles) were born.  I had adopted these profiles.  I spent a week trying to sort out a number of them and became so beside myself that I had to walk away from the mess.

I am sure that there are many situations similar to this around are tree.  When members run into this is there someplace that they can go for some help.  Otherwise none of these problems will get solved by the members.  I didn't necessarily want someone to do it for me, but to provide some guidance on what to do next.   I think problems like this is why some members shun away from the suggestion list.

Where is the best place to go for help?



I want to learn how to unravel these complex issues so I can help others!
can you give a id number for one of the mothers?
There are several projects that are focused to untangling messes...

Data doctors are one.  Several of the folks including Emma and myself are data doctors.  If you send us the list you are working on we can publish it to the other data doctors and see if we can help.

If they fall into pre-1700 or pre-1500 we have folks with those badges (I am one) and can publish the pertinent ones to those groups.

There are projects for all parts of the world these folks have an expertise in finding sources with the right data for those locations.

Spreading the work out makes the task seem less daunting and collaboration is the mantra here!  

And because it is collaborative not just taking over you get learn how to do it.

Please, would someone of you who know (our cognoscenti) start a page (1 page!) with directions for people who want to know how to do this work?  

At this point, just reading your notes is mind-boggling. 

This jumping off point by  Taylor Worthington-Gilchrist is perhaps what I mean--I want to know how Taylor does this: "I then typed a letter explaining how I write the Biography utilizing the documentation.  I have explained to her that I can't talk about a sibling by name that does not have a profile.  She is amazed that I am able to acquire all the supporting documents for the various events in an individuals life.  I now have four profiles ready to be sent off to her.  I know that she will be quite amazed by how complex a profile can become at telling a persons life story."

Then Lynette Jester says that she has "been working on DNA matches at gedmatch." And then there's the "Suggestion List" and different methods of approaching a gedmatch list. 

Oh dear!! --Well, I must slow down enough to think: "One Step at a Time, Girl. One Step, then Another, and another," and then there's a mess.


I am big on step by step instructions.  So much of the jargon on WikiTree takes a long time to learn and understand what is really being said.  

I believe you need to write instructions at a 10th grade level or less because there are people on here with PHDs and people who never finished high school but have things to add... Everyone regardless of education level has contributions to be made.  So easy to follow instructions make a huge difference.  Never assume that someone else understands a paragraph of information.   I'd say use the old newspaper technique of Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How but very few people who pretend to be news people do that anymore, any where in the world.  Each step needs to contain the answers to those basic questions or you will have an incomplete step.  

I would be happy to help write instructions if it is something I know about.  If it is something I don't and can collaborate (love that) with someone who knows the material then I can help shape it into something that is a true training document.  I did this for years for a large company and trained very complex systems like the Oracle Financials Business Suite and other proprietary packages that company used or created.
Find the pint of bourbon and take a deep swig.

Here's A DIFFERENT QUESTION:  --Last week I found a PBS video story about a Mexican man who was sent  the head of Joaquin Murietta in a jar and dedicated a few months to finding a place to bury it. My ancestors are from SW Texas, and I live in Arizona where there's history after history of Mexicanos who were "bad men" to Anglos and heroes to other Mexicans. (My mother's family claimed to have seen Pancho Villa, for instance.)

Does Wikitree have many/any with Families with Spanish or Mexican family histories? ( And How about American Indian too?) Even the recording of a regular family's surnames is far more complex than is European ancestry recording. --I know this because I have one family tree I had dictated to be to be put in my computer for the husband of one of my children. It makes my head spin. So I haven't acted on it: Yikes!

In any case, those men (rarely women) who make a dent in the history of the Southwest seem to be absent (I could be mistaken here) in our world-wide tree, and yet they must be recognized to be being here and having families here and helping to build our nation. Many of them were instrumental, for instance in settling the SWestern states, were governors, etc. 

I have to get this family out of my "to-do" box. Can someone help supply the means?

Laura and Lynette--Were your last answers a collaborative "yes"?
I am allergic to mold so can't drink beer, wine, or any fermented stuff.  I am not a fan of hard liquor because it puts me to sleep.  So I am the designated driver.  My husband on the other hand is a big Bourbon man.  He worked with many of the actual distillers as he worked for an ad agency that had large accounts with many of them.  He can taste one and tell you who made it, how it was made, and stuff that amuses our friends...   Me, I drink fruit juice and tea...
I am happy to work with others on coming up with some step by step instructions.  Will need to determine the list of questions that need the how to answered.  

Also make sure you take the somewhat new WikiTree Tutorial that so many of us missed as it came out after we joined.  It is a really a good course plan for working on WikiTree.  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:How_to_Use_WikiTree
Roberta, that bourbon comment was for your dizzy spell.

I like bourbon... I really like bourbon. And the more rot-gut sourmash the better. Not a fan of Jack Daniels. Daddy like Old Crow.

I wrote a manual a couple of times. Once for a specialized computer program on tagging and identification process for the sheetmetal prefab dept where I worked. Then for a on-line auction site called Bid-alot where I was customer service. Found out that several other sites copied my work.

But I have a lot on my plate right now.
Jack Daniels is Tennessee whiskey, not Bourbon. There is a difference.  How do I know? I am from Bourbon Co KENTUCKY where the stuff was first brewed.  HAHA
Yes, there are Spanish and Mexican families on Wikitree.  I added quite a few from early California.  Maybe they do need a project though to help organize.
Connie, Maybe thats why I don't drink it. But I like a good sourmash. I just don't like Jack Daniels.
The distillers we know all seem to gravitate to Old Forester if you can find it.  It was the original from the Brown Foreman line (not sure I spelled any of that right... it is too early in the morning here just after 3 am.. and I need to head to bed.

Connie, Good suggestion!  That hint should be turned into a LEAD:  When one of us finds a Mexican family in particular (just because it's closer to the US) or a Spanish family (just because it's in Europe) that person should ask if that genealogist in particular would like to start that project. (My efforts at starting the Jewish Roots project exhausted me (an aging problem, I'm pretty sure, plus not having read the "good course plan for working on WikiTree-- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:How_to_Use_WikiTree" that was Laura Bozzay's suggestion. (I'll get to it soon.) Viva la Spanish Language  Families project at Wikitree!

Lynette Jester--Yes, we all do. I thoroughly understand. I can't budge either. My list for Wikitree doubles every day or so it seems: as in "The behinder I get!" --or so goes the wives' tale. 

As for people on other sites copying  your work, the answer is simple: 

You copyright it by putting the following on it, knowing one of us wouldn't copy it to use it publicly without asking your permission:  use the copyright symbol (copy it or go to "Symbols" in MS Word's equivalent, + your name and state + year of your first filing it on line publicly. You need nothing more. 

Technically, as soon as something rolls off your computer into "the light" it's yours, but having the info above is a visible sight of your ownership. A caveat not to steal. If someone uses it, pretty much anyone knows they could be sued. So far, I've not known anyone who's gone after someone because this has occurred but that doesn't mean they haven't.

As with other copywritten material, however, once it's stolen/plagiarized it is said to be "in the public domain."

Just Do It!

When my over-educated brother was still working on that Ph.D. he worked on California's original Spanish Land Grants, this was in his social networking/kinship networking studies. 



Roberta, I was doing for a website who then actually owned the CR because I was paid (in a manner of speaking.) But one guy we caught so red handed... he forgot to change the name of the site from ours to his. And neither site is in operation today. This was back in 2004-6.
So, Lynette, your brother and you really know the territory--Bravo! (and please keep us informed when anything comes up.)

Has anyone already figured out a chart for recording all those Spanish surnames???? They are intricate in their hierarchical reporting. --Would he be able to show us here?
Laura, et al: The closest I get to bourbon et al is my 14.lb white and gold live wire, so smart that I find something amazing about her every day. She's at least 50% or more Jack Russell terrier, all muscle and quick as she can be. But the "other side" of her tree is someone a little more lovey & cling-y.

Her preferred place in the house is as close to me as she can get, whether on my lap or under my chair as I type to you all. I Must now go wash her up, and go to see "Victoria and Abdul" with Judy Dench and some glorious young Arab guy.  Uh. . .  what was that film in the 70s or 80s with the old woman and very young man who were in love until she died? I'll tell you later if it's a pun on that film.
While I have not done Spanish surnames I have done a lot of other intricate surname studies.  

One thing I do is use Excel.  It allows me to add filers and to sort in different ways.  

I create columns like this:

a.  Surname (this is how it appears and would be the LNAB on WikiTree)

b. Surname for sorting.  This is a version I pick based on what I have seen in filling out a.  So take Greiner, Griner, Gryner, Green, Genier etc.  I might pick Greiner and drop it into the sort field regardless of LNAB. Because it is the largest group of similar surnames.

c.  First name

d.  Birth Year

e  Birth date full version

f father

g mother written surname, first name+

h. spouse written surname, first name+

i  marriage year

j.  marriage date full version

k.  death year

k.  death date full

l.  birth country, rest of location

m.  marriage country, rest of location

n.  death country, rest of location

o notes

Now you can filter by birth year and review what you see.  I find often that the same person in France or Germany is listed by variations on that name such as Hans, John, Jean, Johan, Johannes are all the same first name different language variations.  Etienne, Stephan, and Steven are all the same name.  This allows me to see duplicates and also see the where the information might not agree like different death dates or often locations are different but close in proximity...  

This helps me immensely in making sense out of complex lines.

I often add a column for source not always because sometimes everything is coming form one source like a specific city book.

I am amazed that you actually use Excel for this purpose.  I have just started working on my "Fritz" name study and trying to rethink how I want to approach the content.

I am not exactly a traditional person so I am thinking of what I can do that is different, educational, and unusual.

I bought a book a while ago that I thought might provide me with some information by John E. Groh.  The book title is "New Light on Freistate, Missouri, The Fritz, Groh, Waiss and Wiedman Family Legacies Meet."

The book contains a great deal of information on these families with mini-biographies and photographs.  Wouldn't be surprised if someone wrote the author for permission to publish some of the photos they would be allowed to.

If someone would like to have this book for free just email me their address and I will send it to you.  It did not help me at all.

I am looking to buy a book on the NICKERSON's since I have so many in my family.  Can anyone recommend a book that will help me to obtain some of the facts on William Padman Nickerson's line that I am missing?

Nina Sophia Fritz was born a Nickerson


Taylor I run several genealogy programs the newest being Legacy Deluxe and none of them do what I can do for analysis on Excel.  I tried using Access which is a database program but it was so cumbersome compared to the simplicity of Excel.  It is all there for you to see and the filters make it easy to compare up to 3 columns of data.  

I have done this for a multiple families and by doing this we have found duplicates that would have been missed.  We also found where people from the same line had 3 different Barbe Walter women married to the same man.  All 3 lived in the same town, were related to one another (2 were cousins and one was the aunt of the 2 cousins).  But we have no way of determining which of the 3 was the wife of the man.  An international article was written about this in GenVerre's Eclats Verre magazine.  Several noted genealogists and local historians worked on the puzzle and finally came to the conclusion there was not a definitive thing that pointed to one over another.

Hi Roberta, WikiTree has these projects that relate to Texas, the southwest and Mexico. You or all members of WikiTree can create a connected or unconnected profile for the person then see if it fits in with one of the below-listed projects.

Project: Mexico  Project: Latin American Roots  Project: Native Americans  Project: United States History with state sub-projects for Texas and the southwestern United States.  Welcome to the Southern Pioneers Project  The Outlaw Project is a sub-project of the Black Sheep Project





Yep they do. Mary Richardson heads ups Texas. I head up Arkansas. Alison now heads up the US History it appears.

https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:United_States_History several states still need a co-ordinator.

Everyone that participated and registered and got a bib number during source a thon is  a winner.

This is the email I got:

Hi there!

Thank you for participating in our 2017 Source-a-Thon!  If you haven't seen the results yet, we were able to source over 53,000 profiles in 72 hours.  Pretty awesome.

Also awesome, the National Institute for Genealogical Studies generously donated a free course to everyone who registered.

See the message from them below for details on how to claim your course:

The National Institute for Genealogical Studies is proud to participate in the WikiTree 2nd annual Source-a-Thon.
As a thank you, we are giving one free genealogy course to all Source-a-Thon participants. Choose from one of the following courses (valued at $89 each):
• Connecting Families-Online and Virtually
• Google for the Wise Genealogist
• Social Media for the Wise Genealogist

To redeem your free course, go to the web page for one of the above courses and at checkout  enter code: wiki765 at the registration page.
Hurry! This free course code is good until October 10, 2017.
If you have questions or need assistance please contact us at 1-800-580-0165 ext 1 or by email at admin@genealogicalstudies.com.
The WikiTree Team

WikiTree: The Free Family Tree
Note that this reply is coming from a group e-mail account for the WikiTree team.
Please ask your questions in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist forum: http://www.WikiTree.com/g2g/

To claim atr Genealogical Studies is possible till Okt. 15 now!!! Check your email of Linda for the right code to use!! Congrats all!


The NIckerson Family Association published several excellent books.  I do not know if they are still available.  I own two of them.

I will look an Amazon and Ebay.

Thanks Taylor

Thanks so much for a clarification I think I will look into using Excel since my husband wants me to enhance my knowledge of that program.

Welcome to the chat everyone.  Lots of good book ideas.
When you do, please let me (and others) know. I want to try it, but I'm not that good at it.
When you do, please let me (and others) know. I want to try it, but I'm not that good at it.


(This should not "appear to be a duplicate. Harrumpf!!!!!)
Roberta when who does what?  Need some specifics here...
Taylor and Laura: Clarifying my note:   When you do [look into using Excel], or when anyone does, Please let me know.

Laura:  thanks for pointing this out.
Roberta if you scroll up, I posted how I set up the columns.

Then I do the following:

1.  Filter by first name:  

a.  I scan the other columns looking for duplicates like a birth date likely duplicates..to be sure check other columns

b.  parent names (this can point out 2 children with same name and if there are different birth dates then it is likely the first birth died before the second was born),

c. same spouse this can show that the listing is a duplicate or that 2 people with same name have been incorrectly attached to the same spouse... one is likely correct and one is likely wrong or both could be wrong  

d.  death date treated same as birth date

2.  filter by parents: should show all sibings

3.  filter by spouse  should show if more than one spouse possibly

4.  by locations to see who might be in same place at same time
I would be happy to give you a copy of what I have done for my mother-in law.  I am breaking it down very basic.  She will have a copy of a profile for a family member  and a copy of all the source documents.  I am going to walk her thru the process not a document at a time.

But explain to her how each source document is something that happened in the persons life and is listed in their biography  etc.

I can email it to anyone and you can start from there its written in a very basic language.  I have explained that you can not bring up individuals that do not have a profile.

Let me know I want to put in a few changes before I send it to her.

Taylor, I'd very much like to see what you've pulled together for your mother-in-law!!

Plus: how did you find the source documents (If you mean the original documents). Do you mean "not" one document at a time?

I'm also a professional editor, so If you want to make changes and you're unsure of a wording, I can help you.

Thanks so much for all your work and the care you take and have taken.

Someday I would like to be able to teach a course in the community to people aspiring to become genealogist.  Keeping that goal in the back of my mind as I wrote "The ABC's of Creating a Profile" for mom.

When I speak of source documents, I am referring to the documents that we search for to substantiate facts in profiles.

I am actually explaining a great deal about the information I gathered for the biography from the different documents.

I am adjusting it slightly for the new information I had recently added to the profile then I will be ready to send it to you.

I would love to have you read it and provide your honest opinion.


Taylor, I hope you teach them to pay attention to dates and locations. I just found a tree at ancestry that has my ggf, Levi Jester, b. 1850 Union County Arkansas m. to Rosannah Frazier, b. 1765. Rosannah's husband was Levi Jester. but he was born 1760 and died in GA in 1840s. This tree also has Levi of 1760 children who were b. bet 1790-1820 as the children of Levi b. 1850.  Yep, Time traveling Gramps who had children older then himself.

The name Levi has a special place in Jester genealogy, usually the son named Levi is named for an uncle. We (Jester researchers) have recorded 6 instances of this occuring and only a couple of instances where Levi has a son Levi. My Levi 1850 had an Uncle Levi, who also had an Uncle Levi. AND it usually runs with a James and Thomas.  

3rd GGM Mary Ann White Holmes Jester c. 1775-1852 ... in reality she was married 2ce as the full name suggests, had 4 daughters by her first husband, and 2 daughters and 5 sons by her 2nd, in South Carolina. Numerous ancestry trees has her married to a 3rd husband in Indiana, having children by this 3rd husband simultanously with the other two husbands. I found this because someone put the Indiana Mary Ann up as a daughter of Burgess White here. I already had my Mary Ann up. Tell me, how can a woman have two children in two different states the same year? AND this is repeated on several trees. 22 children in 2 states.

3rd GGM Elizabeth E. Ward. b.a 1813 England. I added her but another person here had her married to a Stephen Norton. He even had her dying in 1889 in Grant Co AR. Which mine did. He even had her parents. But I knew that my Elizabeth didn't marry Norton. I found a tree on ancestry that had her married to both Morton and Norton. And having children by both husbands, not only in the US, but in England at the same time. This person even put her up at FamilySearch Trees under the Elizabeth Ward I had entered worked on. So I went digging. I found the marriage to Stephen, the only marriage that came close to the time frame. Elizabeth would have been 11.  And there was another tree at FST who had her married to Stephen and it was sourced with the same marriage record I had found. That Elizabeth was a few years older, making her about 16 at the time of the marriage. Stephen had been married before. AND there was the 1851 census. My Elizabeth was in Cherokee County, Texas in 1850. and Lafayette County, AR in 1860.

And now my latest find. Mary Ann Hay Jester and her sister Sarah J. Hay Jester, "orphan daughters of John Hay," as stated on a land sale document from Henry County, GA.  38 years of being one of my brick walls. The land doc was from the 1830s. The girls married brothers, Burgess and William Jester. I have their marriages, and the land sale. The only thing I have found that comes close is a marriage record that occurs about the time of the girls birth of John T G Hay to Mary Fry 23 December 1811, Wilkes County, GA. And a Jane Hay is on the lottery in Wilkes county.  And that she is getting a draw and not John, probably means she is a widow. The girls were b. about 1810, twins?  I have documents relating to their guardianship by a man named Boyenton. And William appying to have Sarah removed from the guardian. The girls are married and have children. I haven't found anything on Burgess and Mary and guardianship. BUT!!! a couple of trees have Mary Ann as the daughter of John who d. in 1847. No doubt because of the land sale that Mary and Sarah are the daughters of John, but if they are declared orphans in the 1830s, then he wasn't alive in 1847.

Is Mary and Jane of the marriage and land lottery the same person? Who knows at this point. Or if they are even the parents of Mary and Sarah.

I try to stay away from ancestry trees. My blood pressure has a tendency to go to near stroke levels.

Thank you so much for bringing to my attention some areas that I can cover in my profile training information.  I also thought of covering areas that I have had problems with on my suggestion list as these are issues that typically will surface.  I had profiles that I adopted where they were older than their mothers just like your Grandpa Jester.  Prior to these mistakes it wasn't something I consciously looked at when I adopted someone.

Also, we should consider the age of the parent are they old enough to have children.

I won't do anything without a source document.  I must admit I wasn't as strict about that in the beginning and I need to look at my early profiles.  I need to look for replacements for my ancestry.com sources.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Taylor, hi, and good enough. I'll leave my email in a message from your profile. Let's talk more about that project of yours.
Yep, I've turned into my mother and aunt... "PROVE IT!" and carry a cast iron skillet behind your back. Even when I joined WT, they had the right name for my 4th ggf William Jester, but he was born after his son.

And I have a friend who absolutely refuses to see any error in having two husbands in different states and having children by both, by both at the same time.
Taylor, I'd very much like to see what you've pulled together for your mother-in-law!!  Also

Taylor, we all should look at our earliest choices of family members and review them for our errors of excitement when finding someone new for our trees. 

Can you list a couple of ways we all could find replacements for our earliest sources, that is, with the actual sources, and not through anyone's website or company provided sources?  If I find anything at all that works for that I'll contribute too.

Thanks, All --for your nudges in the right/correct directions.
David and all, Yes, and thank you for all the listings that might carry information about usually ignored minorities. To clarify: The impetus behind my post was to cast some light on minorities because they are ignored and often contribute major efforts to the histories within the USA, or elsewhere in the world. I felt they'd be ignored or at least slighted here on Tree as in the larger world and its views seems likely de facto. I've not, in years here, seen any reference to them and their achievements.

I just purchase some very inexpensive information on Shop.Family.Tree.com about utilizing all the libraries online, which I have struggled with finding.  My knowledge has grown so much since I first started that I need to look at my early profiles.


Send me your email address and I will email it to you.  I just send the doc to Roberta.  I have just expanded what I was sending to my mother in law.

Taylor, hi, I haven't received your book yet, so will you please resend it?

I sure hope it is in MS WORD or that you can transfer it to that program. It must be double spaced with 1" margins all round..

I do not have a printer, however.

Taylor also send me your book by email to me and send both things by MS Word.
Taylor:  a .pdf can make it so it can't be changed. Don't forget the copyright too.
Linda, you need to remove your email address from your post, please. This is a public open forum and others will see your email address and it could lead to your receiving spam or unwanted emails. You and WikiTree members can go to each other's profiles to share your email addresses by sending a personal message. Thank you!

Got it.

Thank David.

34 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
Good afternoon from very wet New Zealand

I thought I'd just pop by before making my husband bacon wrapped asparagus for lunch. It's the middle of spring here and the next food available will be strawberries - we do tend to eat fresh and seasonal around here. I kind of enjoyed the Source-a-thon as part of the Kiwi Crew, but after working on some bios yesterday, I think that where my strength is. I'm currently deciding whether to revisit my Source-a-thon profiles or to return to my own tree after lunch.
by Fiona McMichael G2G6 Pilot (210k points)
selected by Living Barnett
The Kiwi Crew was very lively during the Source-a-Thon!  Working on bios is very rewarding.  I discovered a notable when I was sourcing last weekend, so I want to get back to him to do a profile. Whether you decide to work on your own tree, your Source-a-Thon profiles, or other profiles you discover, WikiTree will benefit from your work.
Sounds so good.
Ditto to what everyone said. Welcome to the weekend chat everyone.
Thank you, Fiona, for your dedication and contributions to WikiTree. Many profiles at WikiTree could use a good bio added.
+22 votes

Movie Movie Movie

A feel good happy movie


by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (701k points)
Shirley Temple is who my Mother wanted me to be...  of course I grew up in the 50s and 60s and it was nothing like the time of Shirley Temple.
Cute movie!  I used to watch all her movies when I was a little girl.  She was extremely entertaining & full of cuteness.  Geesh, I am a tad old, but I do like that!
I remember watching these movies on rainy days as a kid.
My Mother always watched Shirley and so did us kids.

Our children and my wife used to watch Shirley Temple when the kids were young. My wife had hair curly black hair when she was young like Shirley Temple's hair. Now to find the picture and post it or not!

Shirley temple I always found her adorable I Love her her film she really are a star
+20 votes

So many questions !  Listen to the song


by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (701k points)
Have sung it many times!
My husband has been listing to early Bob Dylan in the car lately. : )
Great song! Thanks for sharing, Eddie.
Thanks Eddie ... long time Dylan fan here.  And more special in remembrance of Tom Petty a member of The Traveling Wilburys who passed away this week ... so, after Roy Orbison passed, this was played a lot ... so for Tom Petty:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMVjToYOjbM
+18 votes

One of the stars of the movie pick had a song written about him and one of the All-time greatest entertainment giants sings it


by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (701k points)
One of the original members of The Rat Pack as they were callled back then.  I was a baby then...  but my parents always loved Sammy and his fellow Rat Packers.
Wow, that is a true throwback!!  Thanks for that one Eddie!
True story:  Just a moment ago someone said that all by himself Eddie could lead a joy revolution.  I'm inclined to agree.
I like this even farther thrown back version.  So smooth:


LOVE the outfit he is sporting.  Why can't people dress like this anymore?
I have to be happy and good. In my younger days, when I got mad, I had a tendency to pull doors off cars. And off houses. (I'd say to myself if I do it, I'll get in trouble. Then I'd do it.  ) (Being bad-ass can be expensive LOL)
Miss Emma, if I squeezed all of me into something that tight, it would not be pretty and I would prob'ly die in minutes. Ugly dead Eddie ! !  ( I want to be buried with my trumpet and a picture of Louis Armstrong.)
LOL Eddie.  Yah, I can't really see you fitting your 6'4" frame into that. LOL.  Thanks for the laugh and the picture I just can't get out of my head now :-)
King Louie!  Love Jazz!  I am sitting here eating some chunky vegetable soup and listening to a compendium of jazz...  Herbie Mann is on right now...Duke Ellington was on a few minutes ago
Went way back into the vault for this weeks video....
The old stuff is better than the new stuff. The old stuff was ART.

New movies are too much CGI and the new music is too much multi track with echo chamber.  DOWN WITH THE SYNTHETICS ! !  REVOLT ! !
During that era, Sammy could perform in the Vegas clubs but he couldn't drink in them.

Louis Armstrong, one of my favourite musicians. Louis Armstrong jazz trumpet solo - When the Saints go Marching in

Wow Eddie you really has found the old film, have you heard about Jeannette McDonald and Eddie Nielsen they really was great.
+20 votes
I am here but many thoughts are competing in my mine and I have some tough decisions to make both about my participation here and other places.

Sorry to sound so depressing but..............
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Dale spend time with people and in places that nurture your soul, your head, and your heart.  You need that to counterbalance all the other stuff we have to contend with in our lives.  Hopefully being here with us helps you and does not hurt you.
Part of my problem today is a fever of 101.
Drink lots of fluids, hope you feel better soon!
Feel better, Dale!  Please don't make any feverish decisions!

Dutch tullips for a fast recovery Dale. 

And take your time. You re a very valuable WikiTreer. Of course I hope you will stay, but sometimes we just need a break........ 

Cleveland will win the World Series.
My 5 year old granddaughter asked me if they got their name because they give flower kisses and you have to have two lips to kiss...   no idea where that came from!  But I love tulips and daffodils..  some of my favorite flowers.  https://www.hunker.com/12000224/what-do-tulip-colors-mean

see what the different colors of tulips mean in the link above..  

pink are for happiness, confidence, and caring.  Astrid picked the perfect ones for you Dale!
Ditto to what everyone said Dale. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
Hope that you soon feel better.

I know exactly what you mean!  One of our wonderful members Laurie brought to my attention today that there were two Edward Kendrick profiles.  When I looked in to it I actually found three the newest one belonged to a really neat member named Nancy.  Nancy had done an incredible amount of work on her profile.  I sent her a message and told her I was so impressed with the work she had done, that I really should give her mine which was the lowest number and let her take the over as profile manager.  She certainly deserved it as I had adopted mine.  She just responded back and said that wasn't necessary so I suggested we could be co-profile managers!  There are a number of duplicates in the family and Laurie, Nancy and I could clean them up as a team and maybe have a few laughs at the same time!!!!

So Dale, there will always be other places to be! just laugh and  allow those around you to enjoy your humor!

Dale, hope you are feeling better soon and the fever breaks. Wait until your feeling good to make your decisions.
+29 votes

This German-American heritage holiday commemorates the 13 German Mennonite families from Krefeld who landed in Philadelphia.  These families founded Germantown, Pennsylvania on October 6, 1683.  The settlement was the first German establishment in the original thirteen American colonies. 



Both in Germany and the United States we celebrate Oktoberfest!!!


Share your photos if you been to or live in Germany, or celebrated Oktoberfest!!!! Share some of your ancestors if they fit in  with the 13 German Mennonite families from Krefeld who landed in Philadelphia.

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
My Grandparents went to a German School when they were little here in St Louis in the Soulard area which is a French area of town.  Since I have both in my ancestry it is a favorite place for me to visit.


This was last years Oktoberfest in Munich, and Bad Tolz, Germany!! Not much has changed since I was stationed near there from 1978-1981. 

Thanks for the history lesson Dorothy.

My families' favorite memories of Bad Tolz, Germany!! Didn't have to e Oktoberfest to have tables and people gathered out in the streets.  I always ordered Pommes frittes with my burgers!  Workers always had a beer for their noon hour break. Shop owners constantly sweeping up outside of their store front. One of the most cleanest countries in the land.

Hi everyone:  My husband and I lived in Germany in the early 60's right after we were married.  Beautiful County, awesome people and our oldest son was born there in Heidelberg where his forefathers came from such as Jacob Mann, Swope, Millers, and etc. therefore he has duel citizenship
Thanks for the great pictures Sandra and Dorothy.
Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.

How did Oktoberfest get started. Oktoberfest traditionally starts in the third weekend in September and ends the first sunday of October. It began with the Royal Wedding on 12 October 1810. Crown Prince Ludwig, later to become King Ludwig I, was married to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen on 12 October 1810.


We actually celebrate October in Denmark too Dorothy only about 20 walk from where I live
Picturesque Germany.  I love all the small towns and hamlets scattered throughout Europe.  Great pictures!  Thanks for sharing them!
+19 votes

This weekend we have 3 events that fit our Black Sheep Project.

Oct 6 1866 is the anniversary of the 1st  US train robbery.  It was by the Reno Brothers and they took $13,000.   Oct 7 is the anniversary of the PLO Terrorist hijacking of the Achilles Lauro.  Finally, Oct 8 is the anniversary of the sentencing in NYC of the Soviet Spy Jack Sobel to 7 years in prison. 

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqo8mt2eobujwgd/AAAzB3IGNHqNKXBfdE985NBZa?dl=0   link to dropbox docx and pdf versions of the puzzle. 

Black Sheep  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Black_Sheep

A project focused on those ancestors and family members we sometimes wish...weren't. The outcasts, outlaws, and outlandish folks in our family trees.  You don't have to be related to a Black Sheep to join. Anyone with an interest is welcome!


Leaders: Leigh Murrin and a co-leader is needed here! If you're interested, contact Leigh

·   Bootleggers and Moonshiners led by Reg Shrader

·   Gangsters led by Carrie Quackenbush

·   The Hatfields and McCoys led by Mary Richardson

·   Outlaws led by Carrie Quackenbush

·   Pirates This Project needs a coordinator. Please contact Leigh Murrin if you're interested.

·   Spies and Traitors Spies and Traitors  led by Dean Anderson https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Anderson-27686  

·   Witch Trials coordinated by Kyle Dane


Break the code to find out more about the Black Sheep Project and their infamous profiles!  There are 35 categories of black sheep candidates. 

Pjdcradfd                              Wiwzgfwq                   Jcmmwjd

Mccflwnnwjd                         Ocjnwjd                       Fxawywd               

Pffwebfwq  Egjqwjwjd           Bajpfwd                       Kcdf Sxwwb  

Manpeadfd                           Nprndfwjd                    Zcgrfwjowafwjd                                   

Mgjnkpjd                              Bckunpeadfd               Zxakq Pmqgzfcjd 

Saqrpbbwjd                         Jpbadfd                       Zcr Pjfadfd 

Eccrdxarwjd                         Dbawd                       Qcewdfaz Mpffwjwjd                 

Fjpafcjd                              Fwjjcjadfd                    Mprs Jcmmwjd

Fjpar Jcmmwjd                  Xanxtpu Jcmmwjd       Pewjazpr Cgfkptd

OMA'D Ecdf Tprfwq Kadf       TcewrEgjqwjwjd       Egjqwjwjd                                                     

Pgdfjpkapr Mgdxjprnwjd        Dwjapk Sakkwjd        Dpkwe Tafzx Fjpakd

Wifjwew Bgmkaz Wempjjpddewrf                           Tafzx Fjpak





by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (835k points)
Here is one to get some people going...Mprs Jcmmwjd is Bank Robbers
Correct!  You get the code breaker award!
I have the whole code alphabet broken already....That's why lead the Spies and Traitors part of the Black Sheep....
Good for you!  Once get one done the rest are pretty easy since some words were repeated.
Thank everyone for the puzzles for every weekend chat. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.

How in the world did you figure out how to break the code? Did you use to work for the CIA or the alphabet soup?

Gonna have to keep that a secret...But here is another one for those interested. Zcgrfwjowafwjd is Counterfeiters

Good Luck with solving some of the other ones....
The key to solving a code is look for things like

1.  double letters  

2.  single letter words

3.  punctuation in a word l

4.  letters that are used a lot are generally an e, n, t, s, or r

Those are my clues

Laura and all--Last week I found a video story about a man who was sent  the head of Joaquin Murietta in a jar and dedicated a few months to finding a place to bury it. My ancestors are from SW Texas, and I live in Arizona where there's history after history of Mexicanos who were "bad men" to Anglos and heroes to other Mexicans. 

Does Wikitree have many/any with Spanish/Mexican histories? Even the recording of their surnames is far more complex than ours--I have one family tree in my computer for the husband of one of my children. It makes my head spin. 

In any case, those men (rarely women) who make a dent in the history of the Southwest seem to be absent (I could be mistaken here) in our tree, and yet they must be recognized to be being here and having families here. Many of them were instrumental, for instance in settling the SWestern states, were governors, etc. 

I have to get this family out of my "to-do" box. Can someone help supply the means?

Roberta I would look at the list here:  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Projects

several come to mind like Wild Wild West, Texas, Trails and Wagon Trains, Mexico since there was cross over going on.   

There may be others on the list that would work.  Like Notables for those who served in office and Black Sheep for the infamous ones.  

Hope that helps!
If you like podcasts and true crime, you might like to google Radio New Zealand Black Sheep. This is a series of documentaries and is available on a number of platforms. It's not as sensationalist as some American podcasts but interesting all the same. I've just listened to one about an abortionist who was murdered.
Thanks Fiona and welcome to the chat!  I have 2 cousins named Fiona.  One in Australia and one in New Zealand.  Such a lyrical name!

Answers to this weeks puzzle are in the Answers folder at


Laura and all--Just don't forget the Good Guys in this search for Latino/a families!!
Roberta I think it is easier sometimes to find data on the bad guys because they make the newspaper.. or the notables because notables (good and bad) make the papers.  It is much harder to find good info on the common folk especially the farther back in time you go.  Many bad people are connected to really good people some of which are also their victims.

I believe all families have saints and sinners.  It is what makes them interesting.
+25 votes


To go along with German American Day we also are celebrating Nathional Noode Day. The word noodle derives from the German word nudel.

Noodles are made by rolling unleavened dough out and cutting into a variety of shapes.  While long, flat noodles may seem to be the most common, they come in a variety of forms, names, and textures.  Each kind of noodle will pair differently with different kinds of sauces and meals.  Please share your favorite German dishes!!


by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Chicken Noodle Soup is the best!  Great when you feel icky has good stuff that makes you feel better.
Spaetzle is the best ever noodle...except for the homemade noodles my Mom always made for Thanksgiving in the Pennsylvania Dutch tradition!  Those are the absolute best & my sister excels at making them!
As a carb-a-holic, I can get down with this day!
Had my noodles for the day....

MMMMMMmmmm! Good! I like my noodles/spaghetti with meat sauce or Shrimp Linguini Alfredo.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_noodles  who knew there were so many kinds? I have not heard of several of these.

By the way we have some recipes going on page 2 of the chat.
+23 votes
I have a genealogy hangover since the source-a-thon last week....not much research this week. However, I will be back in the saddle next week.

by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Feel your pain Doug, and excellent choice of video....
I have a list left over from the SAT of other things I want to do to fix some profiles.  It was fun but intense

Wish I had more time to spend on sourcing during the Source-a-Thon. Need to find the time to try and connect some profiles from  Anne Arundel County, Maryland area to my southern Texas ancestors.

Oh, Doug, I know what you mean!  I will plan better next year and take a vacation day after the event so I can catch up on sleep.
Ditto to what everyone said. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
+22 votes
Sunny and pleasant here in NW Misissippi.That will end some time Saturday afternoon when from the TD in the Gulf rolls into the area. And we're having a house full of company. The rain will cut out some of the outdoor activities we have planned. We'll just shift indoor things to rainy Sunday.
by Bob Keniston G2G6 Pilot (264k points)
Sounds like big fun Bob!  Enjoy your gathering!
If you have any children coming get some small pumpkins, stick on googly eyes, magic markers and let them decorate them.  No carving needed.  Fun for all ages.

We live in Costa Rica, Bob, and Wednesday afternoon and All Day yesterday, we were on the edges of Tropical Storm Nate, which is headed your way. Coastal Costa Rica had many severe floods. We live in the mountains, and although we had 7 inches of rain yesterday, it percolated nicely through the volcanic soil and we didn't have a single puddle this morning.

I hope Nate treats you as nicely!

I can't imagine having the soil in Maryland absorb 7 inches of rain!  We definitely would have some flooding.  Thanks for sharing that interesting bit of information, Jim.
Ditto to what everyone said and thanks for sharing the interesting bit of information Jim. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
I miss catching lightning bugs.
I haven't seen listening bugs in years here in Texas.  As children we  used to some add some grass for food... and keep in a jar with the lid pierced with holes..  

Florida humidity has hit north of Dallas with a bang.

Dean,  Boerne is a great place for food, but also for antique shopping!
+21 votes
Weather in Florida is partly cloudy to partly damp~high humidity.  But some of us thrive on high humidity, am I the only one who loves the great effects of high humidity?  I wonder....
by Cindy Lesure G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
Ahh, you are such a Jester, Lynette!!  I thought I remembered you saying you lived in the Jax area.  Great to see you here in the weekend chat!!

 ~~{Waving to Lynette}~~
Hiya Taylor!  I am in northern Central Florida, I guess and I truly hated my time living in Orlando (26 years!) and I am so grateful that I live in the Ocala National Forest and pretty close to Route 40 & SR 19.  This was where I always came to get away from Otown!  So it made good sense to just move here and embrace the peace of the forest!  Loving it!
Yep, lived on the westside. 103rd and Blanding area. Worked at the acey-ducey at NAS Jax and the Chief's club at Cecil. I was there when it snowed.
Oh yes, I do remember when it snowed in Florida.  Only twice in the 41 years I have been in Florida!  Only once that it stayed more than one day.  Trust me, it was not much but, I do have pictures!  Can I share a picture from my computer here?  It is a funnyish picture.
How ya doing Cindy, I see you about haunting the halls of Wikitree.
Been to Boerne....had friends when I was stationed in San Antonio who lived out there.
Well, the one that happened abt 1977 when Buffalo was so buried, and that front came all the way down and threatened the orange crop south of Jax.
Lynette, that was the first one I saw as I was newly arrived in Florida from Maryland and was working nights and someone started yelling to go outside @3 am to see the snow!  It was very exciting to see snow coming down like that.  I worked in a photolab and all of our customers photos from the Jax area had a bunch of snow pictures.  It was funny & a fun memory.  Thanks for jogging it!
The first time I remember seeing snow, was about the winter of 1963. The first snow in the Ridgecrest, CA (China Lake to you military peeps) in over 20 years. We would drive to the nearby mountains to see snow otherwise.

 Moved to Galveston, 2nd winter there it snowed. Move to Jax, 2nd winter there, it snowed. Moved to Dallas, got there just just in time for the big ice storm of 78/79.
I remember when it snowed in Florida too! When I lived in Largo, on the West Coast and was in the Seventh grade.  I was in attending school in Maderia Beach, Florida and they announced it over the loud speaker and we all ran outside to feel the snow flakes!  It was totally amazing.

I had moved down from the Boston Mass area when I was 8 in the third grade so had seen  a lot of snow before moving to Florida.  This made me 12  when I was in the 7th grade.  Kids born in Florida had never seen snow before!!!

+23 votes
I am on a 10 Day healthy staycation, so I am not really here.  I am a figment of your imagination.  I am spending 10 days recovering my health and meditating on what really matters in my life.  I have a to-do list that is literally a mile long and maybe about 50% of it stuff I really want to do.  Life is too short to be wasting it on junk.  Or maybe not junk, but someone else's treasure.

I will also be getting back to my writing--my first love.  Time to publish another book.  Nanowrimo is coming up in 3 weeks.  If you like to write and have never heard of it, this is a must do!  Nanowrimo.org.

See you all in 10 days :-)
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
I found the writer's name and books she's written


And I discovered there is a whole world of Genealogical mystery books out there.   Sounds like a fun genre for someone like me who likes mystery, science, science fiction, genealogy, history, cooking, and puzzles (no kidding) and reading... to delve into...    

Gee maybe that is a new topic on the chat...  best books ...

Thank you so much for following up and posting a link to the books that  Emma has written!  I must has been half a sleep to not catch that she was writing a book to publish  ( A senior moment).  I have always wanted to write a book.  When you think of all the mystery/detective shows on TV and genealogists hanging out in grave yards we could all write books on an interesting family member.  The family member wouldn't have to be famous, just interesting.

Couldn't you just see yourself in the grave yard looking for the grave.  You finally find it running your fingers over their name and, then the sky opens up as it begins to pour ...and it starts to rain and get dark.

We could all do this and have so much fun going on field trips....

Taylor the link I gave are not for Emma's books but for a writer in St Louis I was trying to remember.  I am sure Emma can provide a list of what she has written.  I tried a quick google but it kept bringing up books related to the Shakespeare play...
No one can find my previously published books without the secret password ;-)  My new books will be published under my current author name of Emmaline Rose.  However, I haven't published under this name just yet.  Soon....

You mentioned nanowrimo.org I looked the organization up and found that it is a National writing organization.  Beginning November 1st you write 50,000 words for a book.  I can't remember if it ends November 30th or not.  Wikipedia has an article on the organization.

Interesting way to begin writing and stay focused on writing to meet the deadline.

Emma, You have really inspired the writer in many of us.

Thank you for reminding us that we wanted to write a book.


Thanks for correcting me.

Taylor, yes.  The goal is 50,000 words from Nov 1-30.  You can always write more of course.  And the best part is that it is free.  Very motivating because you get to add writing buddies whom you can message and encourage :-)
Emma, I know you will meet that goal  You are so focused and organized.  Do you break that down into so many words a day?  Do you shoot for a slightly higher number than the average per day so you can deal with those days when things just go haywire?
Yes, I work with a higher daily goal to give me some cushion for those days I can't meet my goal.
Linda I think a book about your dealing with what life dealt you would be of great help to others.   You are an inspiration.
+21 votes
I'm planning to listen to Tom Petty music all weekend and take some walks under the changing leaves. Next weekend, the colors will be nearing peak or at peak in my neck of the woods (central Massachusetts.) It's just gorgeous.

Happy weekend, folks!
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
That was such a loss to the music world, Tom Petty was an icon and will be missed greatly. Enjoy your walks....
Trees are just begging to turn here in Missouri.  We are late for fall splendor this year.  I have to admit I know so little about popular music.  I grew up with Classical and Jazz.  My husband on the other hand is a big audio file.

I think that is what they called him an audio file?
Yes, Laura, an audiophile (which is also what I am.) I used to write a music blog but burned out. I still love rock music though!

Dean, yeah, he's going to be greatly missed. I saw him in a small venue in 1976 (the only time I made it to a show) and I could kick myself for not hitting the 40th anniversary tour.
Natalie you and my husband would probably have a great conversation.  I will come home and tell him about some neat new song I heard while driving and his eyes will cross and he will shake his head and look at me and say that come out in 1972 or something like that....  Talk about opposites!  We are the odd couple when it comes to music for sure.  My collection is mainly classical and jazz his are mainly rock and who knows what...  of course our children were exposed to all kinds of music growing up.
My husband is also a rock guy, but classic rock is his love. He plays drums and has been in a cover band (and a community theater pit orchestra, a dance band, a bagpipe band, etc.) Our kids love all sorts of music. It's great to have the love of music passed down!
Oh my Natalie ... scroll up a bit ... Eddie posted a Bob Dylan song and I Immediately thought of The Traveling Wilburys with Tom Petty ... there's a link there ... well, heck, here it is again ..: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMVjToYOjbM ... this was in remembrance of Roy Orbison ...
Bob, that is hard to watch right now, but 3/5 of the Wilburys are together in the afterlife now. Rock and roll heaven is getting quite full.
+20 votes
Doing a quick pop in during work. LoL

After work I might be seeing my uncle who I haven't seen for several years. Tomorrow is Oliver Hardy festival. Hoping for a blooming onion. LoL
by Charlotte Shockey G2G6 Pilot (984k points)
Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Hope you have a good time visiting with your uncle and enjoy you blooming onion....
Fun!  Enjoy your weekend!
Well turns out my uncle didn't come but will be seeing my aunt tomorrow at the festival.  :)

A/C guy is suppose to stop by sometime tomorrow as last night my A/C stopped working at some point. :(

Off to get some writing done as part of my Nanowrimo prep before Greeter duty. :)
+22 votes
Wie gehts, Treers?

This week I was surprised to learn that the Martin family of Nazareth, Pennsylvania is absent from our tree!  So I set out to remedy that, which coincidentally dovetails ;) nicely with the German-American theme this week.  I have the first four generations pretty solidly constructed so far.


by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (768k points)
I have the same kind of thing for Scotland, Canada, France, and the US.  

All places I search in a lot...  I have a few for Switzerland.  and Hungary.

I also have lots and lots about glass and crystal makers all over the world.  

Enjoy and happy to share things I find...  Sometimes links stop working and I have to admit I did not check all of them.  Hopefully most will still work.
More importantly Herbert, is to know "Where is the Bathroom?" in six different languages!

Ghost of Emma
Also in the top five: "I dint do nuffin!"
No just have to carry a card with a picture of a toilet on it.  It works wonders!
Laura, what great resources!  If we don't already have a page on WikiTree for German (and Scotland, Canada, and France) resources you should start one.  If these already exist, we should advertise them.
There is a Sources page  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Source

There are sections for each but the list I posted I had made for myself and is not intended to be a comprehensive list but if the folks who handle the sources page want to add them, they are welcome to do so.
Ditto to what everyone said. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
Ok I did some more reading because I did not know if the sources page was open to everyone to add to it or what... it is...  and here are some instructions on adding sources to WikiTree.  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:How_to_Share_Sources_on_WikiTree

I will try to get some added over the next week or two.
Thanks for telling me about the Sources page.  There are so many things available on WikiTree that I'm sure I will never learn about all of them.

What I have so far:  Christian Friedrich Martin

+22 votes
My chat with my family is coming up in the next half an hour.

I was able to connect Gymnast Mary Lou Retton to the global tree.

I am looking into one of Marylou's teammates at the 1984 Olympics, to add to the tree - but I need to do more research.

I wont be here at Wikitree much this weekend. The Gymnastics World Championships are being held this weekend in Montreal and I want to watch as much as I can either on TV or live stream online.

Oh and most important - HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING!! - which is happening on Monday 9th October!!
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!  Any traditional food that goes with it like Turkey in the US?   Let us know!..Enjoy watching the gymnastics. I just remember the bruises from the balance beam.  Never could stay on that thing!
The Womens All Around gymnastics competition has just ended - this evening. USA won the gold, Canada the silver and Russia the bronze.

I think this is the first time that Canada has EVER won an AA medal at any World Championships!!

Event finals on Saturday and Sunday
Go Canada!!  Now you will have something additional to be thankful for on Monday, Robynne.
+21 votes

Good morning WikiTree (read in the form of Good Morning Vietnam..) Its currently 8:42am and have a full on day so I won't be on here or lurking in the general hangout until later this afternoon

  • Functions of today:
    • About to head out to examine an event described as "Brickcon" (Lots of Lego involved, which is enough of a drawing card for me)
    • Preparation for my birthday (3 days time)
    • Visit family, and deal with a belated gift for a close friend of mine
by Richard Shelley G2G6 Pilot (247k points)
Happy early birthday!  Hope you have a great birthday week!  

My 5 year old granddaughter is into jokes.  She asked me what do you say when someone grabs the building tile you want?  Hey, Le-go!  Corny yes but from a 5 year old it is quite funny....
That is a cute Joke from your granddaughter Laura.

Happy Birthday Richard!!
She is very funny and sometimes without meaning to be...  but she does make my husband and I laugh quite a bit...

Happy Birthday Richard!

Now as a Vietnam era vet I can relate to that saying Good Morning Vietname!!!!

That brings back so many awesome memories!!!

Happy Birthday Richard. My birthday was September 19th. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.

Hi Taylor, for me it was the Robin Williams film which stuck with me, and each weekend when I type the greeting, all I hear is that 

Laura, Robynne, Star and Linda; thank you!

Happy belated birthday Linda!
Happy Birthday, Richard, enjoy your Lego outing.
+16 votes

Mabey the Weekend Chat is not the right place, But as the theme of this weekend is "Let your personality shine", as many here: I like to find help for others. Last time I asked for help here for the Tennessee Team for Source A Thon. And all was solved perfectly! :D 

Now I like to share another G2G post of last week that stays on my mind and I like to bring it to the attention of you all at the Chat. We Dutch have an old saying: "You never know how a cow catches a here". In English: "A blind man may sometimes hit the crow". :D  So who knows mabey a here is catched or the crow is hit.

Owwww!! YEH!!............. at finding back the post at G2G: Wow! Wow! Wow!!! I see it is solved!!! :D 

Well this post here is now worhtless! :D But the solution is priceless!!!! 

I L O V E it!

Thank you Keith! 


All Happy Weekend Treeers! 

Kind regards from The Netherlands, 






by Astrid Spaargaren G2G6 Pilot (285k points)
See magic can happen on the chat!  Glad you found your answer!
Our big leader Keith is spreading magic dust! :D

Of course I could have deleted my post. But I thought it just showed how wonderful all WikiTreeers are!!

My Weekend is already great!! :D
Ditto to what everyone said especially Astrid she was a great help for me for Team Tennessee source a thon last week. She was a very wonderful WikiTreer and a great help and asset for me when we did not have a leader and I told that I would be a leader of Team Tennessee if no one wanted to be one for us. And she was a great help even when I had some real life problems that I have mentioned down below. She was very calming person for me in time of storm and chaos. She is a great asset to wikitree.
+21 votes

personality shining

by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
oooohhhhh  I love it!
Wow! Wonder where you live as it looks like the lake we live! Thank you so much for sharing as it looks just wonderful!

It's Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA. A memorable vacation stop.

Beautiful photo, Anne!



Ditto to what everyone said. Welcome everyone to the weekend chat.
+18 votes
Last week  I had company from 8:00 last night which was my sister, brother and sister in law. My sister in law and brother when there is a home came for University of Tennessee Volunteers on Saturday the planning to come down to visit with my dad which is in about mid stage of Demetia which my dad has vascular demetia which will be about Stage 5 or 6 which there are 7 stages and he has very few good days anymore. He getting very unhappy with the switch of days and time that he had for kidney dialysis he was during in Lenoir City, Tennessee and so we are going to try one in Sweetwater, Tennessee. Also fell Monday out in the yard and we are having problems getting him up out of chairs now. He is 85 years old. So my brother in law and sister are talking we a group of builders of house near where the live in Greeneville, TN to see if they could build my parents a house that they want and then I will live in my sisters old house on their 10 acre lot. There is a kidney dialysis clinic near their house and near where they are hoping for my parents house that they will get built. So all of them left as of 4:30. Sometime later last Saturday I have a second cousin and his live in girlfriend from Florida is coming by for a visit last Saturday.

I knew that my brother and sister in law was coming back like the will every weekend that the Tennessee Volunteers football season. They have season tickets for the home games so the will be down here to see my dad because of his problems until we move. But my sister on Thursday night called and said she was coming down to spend the night so she didn't leave until 4:30 p.m. and I didn't know about my second cousin coming because I was walking last Saturday  morning with my sister in law and when we got back mom told me they called and was coming by for a visit so they didn't get here until 6:30p.m. and didn't leave until 8:30 p.m. Plus I did and lead Team Tennessee in the source a thon last week that is why I was not on the weekend chat last week, but I am now.

Then today when my dad got up he gets my mom out of her recliner that she sleeps in ever since 2012 when she started having problem with her back and has arthritis diease. After my dad feel last week we have only let him set in 2 rockers and the chairs at the kitchen table and my mothers recliner until today since he now can get out of his recliner by himself we told him to sit in it and not my mothers. He got in it this morning and ever since he fell last week we had told him to lean his back back and slide his but forward to the edge of the chairs to be able to lean forward and push up on his feet to get up and with my help. So he final got that in his head. So this morning when he wanted to sit up in the chair he put the foot rest down and my mom told him to lean forward and slide his but back not forward in the chair well he did push his but forward but he pushed his back back and not forward and he ended up with the chair go back with him in it and hitting his head and the chair hard on the floor. So mom got me up and had me help get him up. We tried lifting him up from the back and that didn't work but she told him to hold his head up forward and I took my houseshoes of and got on my knees and got on the side of the chair and pushed down on it while trying to lift the back of the chair up. We did get him up that way. I wouldn't have been able to do that since I have Prader Willi Syndrome. We are known to not have any strength. I didn't till when my parents started to take weight therapy at their church which has a school where they have a gym and they have a room with weights and other excersisce equipment in it and I went with them. That how got strong and able to do a lot that people with Prader Willi syndrome doesn't have hardly any strength.

My sister and brother is trying to get my mom to take my dad to try out some chairs that lifts people out of them for dad.

Welcome everyone to the weekend chat. Thank you Laura for hosting the weekend chat.
by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (503k points)
Wow!  Linda you have a lot going on in your life!  My heart goes out to you because I know how hard this is trying to take of declining parents.  Plus hosting relatives who are coming and going....  You deserve a rest and some pampering!  So glad you made it to the chat!  Hope you find some things here this weekend to make you laugh and refresh you a bit!
Linda, your local fire department will always come if you ask for "A lift assist".  It is exactly for what you needed.

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