Amelia Utting
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Amelia Utting

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 3 Jun 2016 | 36,369 contributions | 1,790 thank-yous | 3,388 connections
Amelia R. Utting
Born 2000s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of [private father (1960s - unknown)] DNA confirmed and [private mother (1970s - unknown)] DNA confirmed
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Amelia Utting private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 26 May 2016
This page has been accessed 15,298 times.

This user is a native speaker of English.
Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.
Amelia was featured in a Meet Our Members Post on the WikiTree Blog!
Amelia Utting is 45% English.
Amelia Utting is 27% Scottish.
Amelia Utting is 18% Irish.

I'm Amelia, a twenty-two year old student with a passion for genetics and genealogy. Alongside my personal projects, such as the Utting Name Study and the Lydney, Gloucestershire Place Study, I am one of the Leaders of the England Project and Team Leader for the Warwickshire county team.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns—even if I cannot answer you with confidence, I will do my best to put you in contact with people that can.



Illuminated Book
Amelia Utting Successfully completed the England Project's pre-1500 Prep.
Project Logo
Amelia has been a member of the England Project for over 1,000 days.

I was born in Hastings, New Zealand, in July 2002.[1] Both of my parents (Cameron and Erin Utting, née James) were from Auckland, and we moved back in July 2003, where we've lived ever since. Some of my hobbies outside of the world of genealogy include history, mythology, languages, reading, writing, and embroidery.

I have been attending the University of Auckland and pursuing both a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Classical Studies & Ancient History, since March 2021.

I am currently reading J.R.R Tolkien's The Fall of Númenor and listening to my playlist of classical music.

My Surnames

Paternal grandfather & Paternal grandmother, Maternal grandfather & Maternal grandmother
Click to view each earliest known ancestor!

Amis, Andrews, Anoke, Argent, Atkins, Atwood
Balkwill, Bardalfe, Barker, Barnes, Bassett, Bateman, Batten, Bennett, Birrell, Black, Blagg, Blewit, Blomfield, Bolton, Botts, Boyt, Brewer, Brissenden, Buckhurst, Burge, Butler, Butson
Candle, Cartwright, Caulier, Cheeseman, Clark, Clarke, Clinnick, Clouter, Colledge, Colt, Condon, Cornische, Crockford, Cullum, Cunningham, Curtis, Cushion, Cuthbert
Davis, Deas, Deazley, Ding, Doe, Doidge, Draper, Drayner
Ekines, Elliot, Everett/ed
Fletcher, Foker, Forman, Fray
Gardiner, Garland, Gasking, Gibbons, Gill, Ginne, Gleeson, Glover, Golding, Goodrum, Gorham, Greedy, Greenstreet, Gridley
Hance, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hasler, Haye, Hayward, Heard, Hever, Highham, Hill, Hogben, Holford, Holliday, Hollyday, Hornell, Houghton, How, Hughes, Humphreys
James, Jape, Jeffry, Jermyn, Jones, Jordan
Keily, Kendall, Kilgour, King, Kingford, Knight
Ladd, Lane, Langman¹/Langman², Lewen, Lilly, Loftis
Marsh(e), Mason, Mathias, Matthews¹/Matthews², May, May, Mayhew, McKenzie, Merrils, Milton, Mitchell, Moore, Morris, Mower, Munro
Ne(a)ve, Norman
Palmer, Park, Parminter, Patrick, Pay, Peatfield, Perfect, Pilcher, Pinder, Pitkin, Poll, Powell, Price, Prynn
Roberts, Rogers, Ross, Rowe, Russell
Salter, Saman, Sandford, Sarvis, Scott, Scott, Sharp, Sheahan, Sleeman, Soper, Sparke, Spinke, Staff, Stephens, Stevenson, Styling, Sullivan, Swallow
Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Tennant, Tether, Theobald, Thomas, Thomson¹/Thomson², Threader, Tod, Trapping, Tufton, Turner¹/Turner², Twine, Twisden
Upham, Utting
Vane, Venton, Vicar
Walter, Waterman, Watson, Webb, Weeks, Weymark, Whiteman, Whiteside, Willington, Wing, Winterton, Woods, Wootton, Wordley, Wright


Research Projects

Research Area Location Research Area Location
Silk Weavers of London's East End Topic East End, London Utting Name Study England
Lydney, Gloucestershire One Place Study Lydney, Gloucestershire Tower Hamlets, London One Place Study Tower Hamlets, London/Middlesex
Maisons des Illustres France Vermont county free-space pages Vermont, United States

Project Involvement

Amelia Utting participated with the Windsor Warriors during the 2018 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 1,601 previously unsourced profiles. The Windsor Warriors improved 6,456 profiles total and was the second place team.
Amelia Utting is participating with the Windsor Warriors during the 2019 Clean-a-Thon, correcting 1,110 suggestions.The Windsor Warriors cleaned 9,814 suggestions total and was the fourth placed team.
Amelia Utting participated with Windsor Warriors during the 2019 Connect-a-Thon, and added 1,818 connections.The Windsor Warriors improved 8,434 connections total and was the first place team!
Amelia Utting participated with the Windsor Warriors during the 2019 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to 2,607 previously unsourced profiles. The Windsor Warriors improved 12,340 profiles total and was the first place team!
Project Logo
Amelia participated in the England Project’s Pub Crawl.

As well as researching my own family, I dedicate a fair amount of time to helping others—both with navigating WikiTree, and navigating their family histories.

I am an active member of the England, European Aristocrats, France, Ireland, and New Zealand projects.

In order to help WikiTree run smoothly, I am also a member of the Categorisation, Connectors, Data Doctors, Roll of Honour, Notables, and Unknowns projects.

Everyone who works on these projects and helps to contribute to WikiTree's fantastic collaborative environment are amazing people, and I consider it an honour to work alongside them.

Digital Afterlife

In the event of my passing or inability to continue my work on the branches of our tree through physical or mental illness, I place the profiles I manage into the hands of the WikiTree Admin. If any member(s) of my family have the desire to continue my work and contribute to the health of our tree, I ask that they be allowed to manage those profiles and have the guidance to continue in the proper manner. — Utting-102 00:02, 6 February 2022 (UTC)


  1. Birth Certificate copy in possession of Amelia R. Utting, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal GEDmatch comparison between Amelia Utting , GEDmatch kit # YQ7969576, and Kathryn Smith, GEDmatch kit # UQ6083689, (compare kits), her 2nd cousin 1x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are Thomas Fletcher and Mary Kilgour, the great great grandparents of Amelia Utting and great grandparents of Kathryn Smith. Predicted relationship from GEDmatch: 2nd cousins once removed, based on sharing 141.6 cM across 8 segments. Amelia is the daughter of Erin James who is the great granddaughter of the common ancestors Thomas Fletcher & Mary Kilgour.
  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Amelia Utting and E.Y., her 2nd cousin 2x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are George Taylor and Jane Thomas, the 3rd great grandparents of Amelia Utting and great grandparents of E.Y. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 2nd cousin 2x removed, based on sharing 64 cM across 4 segments. Amelia is the daughter of Cameron Utting who is the 2x great grandson of the common ancestors George Taylor & Jane Thomas.
  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal AncestryDNA test match between Amelia Utting and Lauren Bavin, her 3rd cousin . Their most-recent common ancestors are James Goodwin and Mary Gleeson, the great great grandparents of both Amelia Utting and Lauren Bavin. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: 3rd cousin, based on sharing 26 cM across 2 segments. Amelia is the daughter of Cameron Utting who is the great grandson of the common ancestors James Goodwin & Mary Gleeson.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Amelia's formal name
  • full middle name (R.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (1)
For access to Amelia Utting's full information you must be on Amelia's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Amelia: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 135

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Hello Amelia,

Once again it is time for our annual Ireland Project check-in.

1. Would you like to continue as a member of the project? 2. Do you have any suggestions for project priorities in the next year? 3. Do you have any interest in taking a more active role in the project and, if so, what might you be interested in doing?

A response to the check-in is one of the project’s few requirements for all members. Please either post a reply below or send me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll assume your interests have changed and you no longer have time to participate in the project.

Thank you for all of your contributions to WikiTree and to the Ireland Project.

Gach beannacht,

Jen, Ireland Project co-leader

posted by Jen (Stevens) Hutton
Hello Amelia,

The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing a check-in. The Project operates in a team structure with these participant PIP Teams -- The Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and three Biography Teams. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team.

You’re currently identified as a member of the Unknowns Team. Are you working on a particular group of unknowns? Are you happy with the Team you are on? If you are interested in working with a different Team, please let us know.

If you have not already done so, we invite you to join the email GoogleGroup. We use the WikiTree Discord server #profile-improvement channel for our project. Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements.

We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project meet its goals. We would like to hear about the successes you’ve had and would also appreciate any feedback you have to help improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or via private message to one of us.


Debi Hoag and Kay Knight, Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project

Robin Shaules, Project Coordinator, Profile Improvement Project

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Hi Debi,

Thanks for checking in! I'm still very happy on the Unknowns team; I don't have a particular group of Unknowns I'm working on, I just try to work on them here and there when I have the time. I've even started an FSP to keep track of each one, which has been quite neat.

Regards, Amelia

posted by Amelia Utting
Thanks for letting us know, Amelia. Your FSP sounds like a good plan. I review things like that when I'm having an obstinate genealogy day. Debi
posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
Hi Amelia,

Thank you for all the work that you have done for the Scotland Project. As you have not responded to our recent check in messages I presume that you wish to leave the project.

If you'd like to re-join us in the future, you can do so by replying to our current G2G Welcome post which is linked from the project page at

All the best Sheena

Hi Sheena,

I'm very sorry I didn't reply sooner – your message came right as I was beginning to tackle my final assignments at uni for the semester before exam revision kicked in. I'd definitely be interested in remaining with the project :)

Regards, Amelia

posted by Amelia Utting
Hi Amelia,

It is once again time for our annual Scotland Project check-in. Please respond within the next three weeks to let us know:

•If you would like to continue as a project member •If you are happy with your current teams or would you like to join a different team •How much time per month (on average) you spend working on Scottish profiles •Anything you’d like the Scotland Project to do more of in the future

You can respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within the next three weeks we’ll assume your interests have changed or you are no longer able to participate in the Scotland Project at this time, and your badge will be removed. If your circumstances change later you will be welcome to reapply for membership.

On behalf of the Scotland Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve Scottish profiles!

Sheena - Scotland Project Membership Coordinator

Hi Amelia,

It is once again time for our annual Ireland Project check-in. Please respond within the next three weeks to let us know:

  1. If you would like to continue as an Ireland Project member. If your answer is yes, please tell us if you are happy with your current team, or if you would prefer to join a different one. If you are currently participating in more than one team we would appreciate you ranking them in their order of importance to you, from highest priority to lowest. This information will be helpful as we consider possible future changes to our team structure.
  2. In the past, the project has had a very minimal membership requirement (one contribution per year) for badged members to meet. Do you believe this is adequate, or should this requirement be increased? What do you believe would be a reasonable commitment to expect from all project members?
  3. How active have you been in the Ireland Project over the past year? Please choose one of the following options: a) I normally spend 1-5 hours per month helping achieve my team’s goals. b) I normally spend 6-10 hours per month helping achieve my team’s goals. c) I spend over 10 hours per month helping achieve my team’s goals. d) I am not able to contribute every month but have spent approximately ________ hours during the past year improving Irish profiles.
  4. Please provide feedback on any things you’d like to see the project do more of in the future.

You can respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within the next three weeks we’ll assume your interests have changed or you no longer are able to participate in the Ireland Project at this time, and your badge will be removed. If your circumstances change later you will be welcome to reapply for membership.

Many thanks for all that so many of you have contributed to the project in the past year, and very special thanks to those who answered the project’s call and gave generously of their time to be part of Team Seanchaithe during the most recent connect-a-thon. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

le dea-mhéin, Jen Hutton, Ireland Project co-leader

posted by Jen (Stevens) Hutton
Hi Amelia

We are delighted to announce a new Profile Improvements Team namely the England Tangled Families Team which will be formed by merging the Arborists, Gedcoms and Unknown Teams,

As we know tangled families are created from old GEDCOM’s which cover many generations resulting in the need to merge profiles and having to disconnect others together with finding unknown spouses and family members.

The merging of the existing three teams into one exciting new team will hopefully reduce duplications and definitely will increase collaboration between you our experienced and dedicated members.

Team Leader for the England Tangled Families Team will be Fran Weidman who has agreed to manage the team bringing her excellent knowledge and experience from creating and managing the Unknowns Team together with Fran’s five year membership of the England Project.

Currently as a member of one or more of the named teams we are asking you to join our new amalgamated Tangled Families Team and letting us know by contacting Joan Williams or Malc Rowlands through Discord Messaging, England Project Google Group or Private WT Message if you want to join our new team.

Kind regards

Joan and Malc

posted by Malc Rowlands
It's time for the One Place Studies Project Check-In!

We've put together a survey for you to fill out to check in with you, it will only take a moment as there are only a few questions. Filling out the survey lets us know you are still interested in coordinating your study and provides an opportunity for you to share any suggestions you may have for the project.

If you have decided to step away from your study, please reply to this comment to that effect.

posted by Azure Robinson
Thanks, Amy, Sorry I failed to reply. I'll let you know if I want to re-join. Pat (Prickett-120)
posted by [Living Prickett]
Hi Amy,

Congratulations on your blue genealogist badge! Thank you for all your wonderful (and hard) work on wikitree!

Kylie ~ Appreciation Team

posted by Kylie Haese
Thanks, Kylie! I've no idea why I was awarded it, but it was definitely a nice surprise :)

I hope that you and your family are keeping well!

- Amy

posted by Amelia Utting
Hi Amy, I'm happy with what I'm doing on the project. Thanks! :)
Hi Amy,

Thank you for your message, yes I am very happy to stay with the project and happy with the teams that I am on xxx

Hi Amy,

I hope you don't mind that I've joined you to work on E. J. Arbuthnot in the boat race challenge - I've created a profile for him; hopefully it won't be too difficult to connect him up as his father was a Baronet

Best wishes John

posted by John Elkin
Hi John,

I don't mind at all!! :)

posted by Amelia Utting
Hi Amy

Thanks for having a big heart ❤ and adopting those Orphaned Profiles. And thank you for all that you do on WikiTree! You have some beautifully sourced profiles. Every ancestor you honor in this way is beneficial to our global tree.

Mindy ~ WikiTree Mentor

posted by Mindy Silva
Thank you Amy for including my relative in your study xxx
Hi Amy,

Just want to say a huge thank you for leading us to victory!! You were amazing and we all had a good time. You are the darling of the Windsor Warriors :) Enjoy the moment! Fran

Hi Amy,

Thankyou for your message, it was a great weekend, you were amazing! Hope you've caught up with your sleep now :) Becky

posted by Becky Troth
Thx for the kind words and your awesome display on SAT! Of assets pitched to the wind, I miss my youth most...
posted by David Wilson

I wonder whether your Lily Bentley was a London Nurse? Deb Jones

posted by Debra Davies
Hi Amy on the Other Wide of the World!

The Appreciation Team thanks you for all for your hard work for reaching 1000+ (actually over 6300!!) contributions for the month July 2019. Onward and upward!

Pip Sheppard

WikiTree Appreciation Team

posted by Pip Sheppard
Wow. Just wow! That's all I can say. Thank you for your massive contributions to growing our shared tree. Emma :-)
Hi Amy, thanks for your comment on my profile page. Just wanted to let you know that I am working away behind the scenes, enjoying wikitree and adding to profiles all over the place. When I first graduated fomthe orphan trail I remember gettting an email f I’m someone asking whether I’d be willing to fill in a survey to see where I wanted to be placed in the England project, but I never heard from the, again after I replied and I expect it was just an oversight. I keep an eye out and enjoy reading everyone’s comments, and am still willing to volunteer where I’m needed. Maddy x
posted by Maddy Hardman
Re: My involvement with Ruth (Batten) Oliver:

At a guess, it was one of those "rabbit-hole-chasing" type days. I have OLIVERs in my own paternal ancestry, so I expect I did some wandering among the databases! It was Dec 17 - I've slept since then! so cannot exactly remember... ;)

posted by Ros Haywood
Amy, thanks for the help with the Cary/Carey profiles, we are a MESS as is, without getting any help, LOL! There are a few generations that truly need some Genealogical society to take on and help while some of us direct descendants are still around regards, Mark
posted by Mark Cary
Thank you Amy, I sure appreciate your work. I see no connection to Catherine other than the royal family of Spain stayed there and I assume with other members of that family which I am looking for. I am looking for info. on the Lord of Fuencastin.
posted by James Hicks

Connections to Kings: Amelia is 25 degrees from Martin King, 22 degrees from Barbara Ann King, 19 degrees from George King, 17 degrees from Philip King, 14 degrees from Truby King, 21 degrees from Louis XIV de France, 19 degrees from King Charles III Mountbatten-Windsor, 22 degrees from Amos Owens, 22 degrees from Gabrielle Roy, 15 degrees from Richard Seddon, 32 degrees from Pometacom Wampanoag and 38 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.