"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! March 31st - April 2nd, 2023 [closed]

+36 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Another wonderful Chat! See you sooner than you think!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.9m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

PIP! I so love your kindness and generosity of spirit! Thank you so much for the verbal 'chat' just now. Please do let me know when you will be in Tucson. Bring your spouse and check with Mike about Karchner tickets. Hugs!smiley

You're going to Kartchner Caverns, we were there, its very interesting, I have no pictures as taking photos is not allowed.
Thanks for the link! I call a tie between M and Carol on the tartan.
Great photo, M! (Take that, Mel Gibson...considering that the great kilt is documentable to 1592, or 1560 depending on what source you believe...;) ).
M, I was talking with my kiltmaker who said he is trying to recover the sett count of this tartan. He said to keep an eye on the website for the news. My next kilt!
Yay for more kilts, Cuz!
D., not about kilts but wondering.  Just returned and wondering if the patterns were a success?
Beulah, welcome back! Yes, thank you; they are great! They are quite fragile and I haven't had a chance to redraft them, though, so they are currently in storage. Hope you're doing well.

Greetings from Port Elizabeth (Gqeberha) in wonderful South Africa.cool

Today is World Autism Day. Being on the spectrum myself, I thought I would just mention it. On Tuesday morning I donated my 106th unit of blood. So I have, potentially, saved 309 people! I am also busy training for the Wings For Life world run which is on 7 May. I planned on doing 10km. My route is just under 12,5km! crying But it will be very scenic because it goes past stables and areas of just bush.

The weather right now: it's about 25° C, which is very warm. It's just below the average human temperature.

On the family tree side: I discovered something very sad. One of my family members (from the 1800's) married a lady called Kate. But that was all of the information I could find about Kate. It was as if she never existed before and then just vanished from history. I also discovered one of my other family members had been naughty surprise. This guy was married 3 times (since his wives kept on dying) and had 16 children. 10 with his first wife, 4 with his 3rd wife and 2 daughters with another lady who wasn't his second wife. She's an unknown woman. surprise Maybe I can find them.

41 Answers

+28 votes

Good Morning!  smiley  Class in session.

by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (410k points)
Laura, would you be referring to relatives that moved to Chilliwack, B.C.?
@John I think you will see that Palmer and MacLean have letters in common!

Carol, I'm certainly learning since returning to class this last Thursday!   Also, after taking drafting in grade 8, I eventually settled on hand printing, with capital letters, mostly for informal business communications in the manufacture of heavy equipment.
@ Doug my friends that joined the Navy, out of high school. would mock us for our accent when they returned home. Their speech was much crisper and more punctuated. Accents make travel interesting.
I used to have a desk very similar to those ones. I was just as engaged in the class as those dolls are.
I have a very flay forehead. I blame study hall, detention and social studies. Maybe if they would have called it history I would have been more interested.
John, what class(es) are you taking? There are so many to choose from. I, too, had settled on hand printing but recently have been practicing cursive. I need to take another calligraphy class to get better at reading the old handwriting.

K, my accent was a bit of a mish-mash. My dad was Canadian but my mom was mostly 3/4 French Canadian and 1/4 long time Massachusetts (central, not Boston). The community I grew up in had lots of different accents (Polish, Check, Italian, French, Dutch, etc.)

Pip, missed that you father has a 1949 Ford tractor. We had one of those as well. It did lots of plowing and in the Fall it was used to drive a saw for cutting logs into firewood.

Doug, I said I returned to class (with tongue in cheek.....careful I don't bite my tongue) with all the curly haired students in the second photo and I'm hoping the teacher will allow me to practice typing with the typewriter on the shelf.   I'm also learning a lot from all the wonderful 'Weekend Chatters'......the learning curve is tremendous.   We'll soon be moving the class into the newly renovated one room schoolhouse in our Pioneer Village and I'll be on my way to higher learning.  smiley   PS   When I turned six we ran a belt from a pulley on the left rear hub of a 1950 Austin 40 panel truck.

Keren, there's room for you and your desk when the schoolhouse is opened.  laugh

And for you, K, on the back ledge of the grade six classroom is a British History book of some 1133 pages......as you see fit.   crying

+27 votes
Happy Weekend! Coming at you from stormy Lone Jack, Mo. Expecting high wind and quarter size hail in the next few minutes. On the bright side, mid to upper 70's. I can feel the presence of morels somewhere on the horizon.

Been reading more on local history with some new twists thank to my newfound knowledge of genealogy. Trying to get to the Pleasant Hill Historical Society, they have very limited hours, and the Battlefield Museum , which has yet to open, for the season.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (455k points)
Hurricanes are non-existent, earthquakes are rare protest and riots are somewhere else. I'll take the occasional tornado, they are kinda unique from what I gather.
We just get tons of snow. Keeps the riffraff out
I went to the Lone Jack website. Interesting...I am an amateur Civil War historian but not really up on the western theater. Must visit some of these sites.
Bleeding Kansas and the border wars started long before the civil war was official. A full 10 years of raids, theft and murder. Clint Eastwood's, 'Josey Wales' is thought/said to be based on a fictitious Cole Younger.

yes Yes, even before Osawatomie Brown & co. Sad and lawless history.

@Pip, Great that you could use the photo for Delphia's profile. I love these old, sometimes neglected cemeteries. We have quite a few up here that date from the mining boom, but the families moved away or the church to which they pertained burned down, and there are not enough volunteers to keep them up. One of my favorites is overgrown with kinnikinnick so you can't tell where the holes are...perilous without a walking stick. Also, it can get pretty squishy when the snow melts.

There's also one on a hill north of Knoxville that I try to visit whenever I go South. Lots of coal mining families. It's mowed once in a while, but otherwise mostly deserted and there's a steep drop-off to watch out for.

A friend and I were trying to visit Mount Moriah (old cemetery in Philadelphia whose photo shows great Victorian gates) but couldn't find the entrance...kept driving around and around in circles in sort of a run-down neighborhood. I've been away from cities long enough to be a bit leery in unfamiliar territory. He was on the phone with the friend we were to meet later for dinner and I said, "Ask him, if we go to Mt. Moriah will we get shot?" Friend said that during the day we were probably ok! But we'd had our fill of Philly; all the tickets for Independence Hall had run out and we'd nearly gotten flattened on the freeway by a Range Rover. We met the friends for dinner and drove back to our campground, then home. East Coast congestion is fine in small doses!
Hope you and yours are okay this morning. It was definitely a long night.

k  I live in Fenton, MO... we are  3 hr 32 min

227.2 miles apart  Columbia is probably around half way    

We got the wind here in Colorado (at times above 40mph yesterday and in the 30s today). We didn't get your hail, though. Hope you didn't get any, either.
We never got the hail we were told to expect (that will be a surprise the week we set tomatoes) but the wind howled all day and all night.
+27 votes

Hello, Weekend Chatters!

It's been another relatively quiet week here in Orange County, CA.  We had on and off rain again the past two days, but none in the forecast for the next 10 days.  Temps in the 70's coming soon!!

Genealogy-wise, I have been working on adding cemetery categories to profiles and a little CC7 work.  A new DNA match popped up at Ancestry DNA.  What's exciting is this is a grandchild of a first cousin that I actually know and remember.  Haven't seen her since we were kids, but hope to make contact and catch up with her and the family.

Pip, I hope to catch the Bingo live, but will watch the replay if not.  You and Sandy together will make for a fun time.smiley

by Karen Stewart G2G6 Pilot (136k points)

Thanks so much for helping the Appalachia Project with adding Cemetery Categories to profiles.  I love that our West Virginia paths cross and intermingle.  Usually, when your CC7 goes up, mine does too and vice versa. smiley

What you didn't mention is how you are "unofficially adopting" a Cemetery on WikiTree to make sure it has all the burials listed in WikiTree with the profiles having FULL biographies and sources.   I know how much work is involved with that and I applaud you for your work, dedication and always friendly chat in Discord.

Aww, thank you Sandy.

I hope I do a good job with the Bingo. Maybe some attendees will want to join the project. We certainly are still in need of more greeters!

Some how, my CC7 went up. I don't think it was me! laugh

+31 votes

Yippie!  Pip will be joining the Bingo today at Noon (EST).  Pip is one of my favorite Appalachians and I am really excited to learn more about the Greeters Project.

Come join us for Bingo, a chance to win free prizes (Bingo Mug, anyone??).   Join the Bingo Chat on YouTube and let us know Who Welcomed You to WikiTree???

Then at 6pm (EST), Bingo is hosting the Adoption Angels Project on YouTube.   This Project helps so many find their hidden ancestry whether a person is adopted or has a NPE.  If you don't know what a NPE is... join us and find out.  

Do you love researching and connecting lost families?   Learn about Earning Your Wings with the Adoption Angels Project.  

Pip.... You are so right.... when someone acts like they know something ...ask them!  So many of our family stories are passed down.  We might have sources for events but what storytellers can tell us about those events brings the person's history to light.  We, Appalachians, can spin a great tale but there is always a bit of truth in every story.

On the Genealogy Update:  Today is the last day for the RAWK event. I've been working on Erin's family tree and have found some really cool ancestors of hers.  Yesterday, I shared with her photos of the homes that her Ireland to Maryland and Ireland to New York GG's bought to start their life in America. I am thrilled that WT has a Global event like RAWK... it's been so much fun working on another's tree.

For those in the path of today's storms, please be careful.

Until next week, make it a great week!

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (364k points)
In my recent studies, I came across an article wherein a politician was making a speech early 1900's. He was telling a tale of the Battle of Lone Jack. The audience was captivated by his second-hand story passed down by his grandfather when an elderly man came to his feet and said, "that's not how I remember it, I was there." The whoever, cursed him for being an eye-witness and said, "so much for the rest of my story." I have friend's kids 30 years younger than me, remind me of some of the whoppers I told them growing up.

I literally busted out laughing during a conference call (not muted, eek!) when I read this!  So, of course, I had to share with all.  laugh  And, to find out that you are a storyteller too just makes my day!

I need to create a free space page for all the stories I know about family members, Sandy. My head is full of them, too many to put on profiles.
That would be a fabulous story telling page... and linking them all together.  Add in photos.  Wow, what a great idea Pip!
@ Sandy- I take everything w/ a grain of salt. Eyewitness accounts either omit or embellish information. I barley believe photography, or video, because I know skillful photographers can manipulate film to distort reality. My friend's kid was a little disappointed when he was bragging in class (4th grade) about knowing the guy that walked on the moon. I guess I forgot to tell him to keep it a secret.
Ah, but everyone was a tiny piece of the action. Think "blind men and the elephant." Even in a smaller action like Lone Jack, is it possible they both could have been right?
Anytime a politician is working a crowd it is wise to fact check. The fact that he conceded immediately when questioned, well, I'll let that stand on it's own. I wish the speech was documented as much of the local history has been distorted.
politician's favorite color is plaid   some think it should be stripes
@Laura, LOL!

@K, at least he had the decency to defer to the veteran.
@Sanday...Adoption Angels was a terrific show and very informative! Thanks!
Plaid is nothing more than overlayed opposing stripes!
+33 votes
Good morning and farewell, March with your wild weather! Ready for April showers (and Mayflowers?) just kidding I'm pretty sure no Mayflower descendants here. We all came over on smaller boats much later. (I think? I could always be wrong, I leave lots of room for that.)

This month has been a time of growth and change, in my cc7 and my life. All the awesome RAWK'ers have seriously been rocking my profiles. More than doubled my cc7, almost tripled it! I stand in awe! I seriously appreciate the help and am happy to reciprocate, always looking forward to the next chance to help. In "real" life, mom has been struggling through a difficult diagnosis path that I fear has dementia at the end of it. We are still trying to rule out everything else, but have seen so much cognitive decline it's hard to think it could be anything else. Having lost dad without warning (just came home from work one day and he was gone in his bed, probably a heart attack) I have to wonder which is the more cruel way to go, all at once or a piece at a time.

Anyway, sorry to get so heavy on a "chat," back to genealogy where the dead come back to us for visits. Have been working Appalachian cemeteries (and some in Baltimore helping out the RAWKers with my family) and hopefully helping those wikitree+ reports. Hundreds of categories placed. I hope it helps someone find their loved one or find other connections (I didn't know about how you can find your own connections within a cemetery category, COOL!)

Looking forward to bingo and a fun filled weekend, taking the scouts to the zoo for the Into the Wild adventure! May your March's end be full of sunshine and fun genealogy finds.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (194k points)
Erin, I feel for you. My dad was already in mental decline when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It was a long hard trail to follow, but the three of s still at home pulled together and kept him there as long as we could.

We are here for you, anytime you need us.

Hugs to you Erin ... having a parent with Dementia is a multitude of emotions.   Sending you extra notepads so you can ask your Mom any questions you might want answers to.  As Pip's message this week reminds us.... ask now. 

I was so thrilled to work on your RAWK and honored that you helped bring me back to Maryland My Maryland where I know we both were born with Old Bay in our DNA.   Wish I could share Utz Crab Chips to all. 

What you didn't mention.. or will find out tomorrow with the RAWK wrap up on the Saturday Roundup (always a fabulous livecast!) is just how MANY of your ancestors came to Baltimore from so many different Countries.  Baltimore was truly a melting pot of cultures in the early 1900's.  Reminds me of a movie called Avalon and a quote from the movie... "and then I came to Baltimore.  It was the most beautiful place you have ever seen in your life."

Hi Erin, My sympathies to you and your family. What kind of death is preferable is a huge question - I'm relieved that's above my pay grade, though I support everyone having access to both counseling and a fatal dose of narcotics. I have taken care of people with dementia - beyond the very beginning when the person has some idea of what is coming, it generally bothers the people who love them more. If someone is surrounded by love and care they learn trust and acceptance.
I'm descended from 14 passengers of the Mayflower that landed in Massachusetts in 1620. Still here in Massachusetts, initially by accident of birth, but forever by choice.

It has been a joy to work on your CC7 a little this past month. I learned a lot about Pennsylvania and Maryland for sure. Enjoy your day with your scouts; brings back good memories.  One day you will be a proud Eagle Mom!

Prayers for your family during this difficult dx/testing.
having been around too much death these last few years.  Fast is kinder in many ways.
Just said farewell to a friend this afternoon. A combination of secular and scripture, tears and laughter, Johnny Cash and gospel. Pretty much covered all the bases. I was hoping it was an elaborate April Fools hoax with a Dave style party that would have everyone laughing in the end. We speculated the high winds were just Dave's way of stirring things up one last time. 55 and a good bill of health, so you would assume. One bad day with 100's of good days. RIP buddy!
Goodbyes are never easy.  Sorry for your loss.    Love transcends time and space he will be watching over you
I was talking to an old pilot who told me he wanted to die in his sleep like his dad. Not like all the people yelling and screaming who were the passengers in his plane.

   As far as Dave, thanks for your condolences. He shall remain forever young and in my heart.
Sorry to hear of your Mom’s health concerns. My mother has dementia but a small part of her is still there as she still has her sense of humour. Death fast or slow - in the 1970’s my dad came home from work on a Friday, collapsed as he came in the front door, went into a coma and died a couple days later. My mother has fallen multiple times and keeps breaking something because of her osteoporosis. We thought that was how she would go. Instead cancer is taking her.
I forget the culture that mourns the birth and celebrates the death of a person. The lasting thought I had on that is, it ties to an old saying I was taught early in life that states you can't always control what happens in life, only how you choose to respond.
+28 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's happening here? Weather has been alternately wonderfully sunny and miserably wet. We had what the weather channel said was a snow squall on Wednesday, about 10 minutes of intense snow. I was at a local gas station/convenience store when I went in the store it was snowing, when I left it was still snowing but not as much. I had to back out of the parking spot very carefully because a car had been badly parked at an angle in the next spot. 

Yesterday morning, a police officer arrived at my house, because a person had filed an Auto Collison Report, this means going to a reporting centre, saying I had backed into their car. The officer looked at my car and there is/was no damage of any sort, said the ‘other vehicle’ had some very minor damage but could not be definitively connected to someone backing into the ‘other vehicle’. Its all a mystery, damage under $2000 does not require reporting unless there is personal injury involved, it is all covered under Ontario’s no fault insurance. A collision/bump on private property at maybe 5km/hr does not require reporting. The officer described the person as a very young female with a smart phone pic of my license plate. I’m still confused. The only place the other car could have been, was at the gas pump, which is much further away than the distance I backed up. Or perhaps was leaving the gas pump, not looking ahead and bumped into me, which still makes no sense. 

WikiTree: Alton Cemetery Project: I spent far too much time yesterday trying to find a possible connection between 2 people named Katherine (Catherine) Shaw, one born 1799 Scotland married to Donald Conley died 1854 Alton, the second Catherine born 1825 Scotland, married to Duncan Cameron, died 1912 Alton. They were both had connections to the island of Islay, Catherine b 1799 married on Islay, Catherine b 1825 was born on Islay. Her father Angus was born on Islay. Both families emigrated to the same place in Canada in the early 1830s. I looked for records everywhere, several Scotland sites, FS, FMP, Ancestry, there are very few records for Shaw or Schaw or other less likely variants, most are in Edinburgh, and Inverness which don’t make much sense for a wedding on the west coast of Scotland, maybe it will just stay a mystery. Further research will have to wait. 

Other: I have declared it to be spring, we have several clumps of crocus in bloom, we will be going to Ottawa in 3 weeks for my granddaughter’s 1st communion. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (959k points)
Sounds like someone wants their car fixed for free. Not very unusual here in the States. We're sue-happy here.

You've got your work cut out for you with those Shaws. But, knowing you and your dogged detective work, you'll figure it out. Keep us posted!
M...do a Gwyneth Paltrow and take her to court for court costs and $1 in damages. People just seem to be more contrary following the pandemic and isolating at home. I am baffled by some of this behavior. I am also tired of seeing (primarily) young peoples faces smucked to thier androids with no ability to know how to communicate face-to-face any longer.

GOOD NEWS! I just opened an envelope from our Tucson Water company thinking it was a bill. It was a check made out to ME for $100!!! It is reimbursement of $50 each for the two very low water use toilets I had installed a month ago! $100 smackeroos! Oh...(picture me verklempt with hands fluttering) I want to thank the Academy, the Water Company, my parents, grandparents, all my ancestors, Niagara for making low water use toilets...and...and Buddha...and and...oh I should have prepared a speech!
Cool, Carol! $100! About enough to buy a good bottle of MacCallum single malt.
Yes, a good bottle of MacCallum single malt that I cannot drink because of my dead exopancreas, which means that you would have to drink it for me and I would have to enjoy it vicariously. Very clever, Scotsman!
Hahahaha!! Save it until I get to Tucson!
As Ontario and most other provinces have no fault insurance it won't cost her anything anyway. Her insurance will pay for  whatever might need to be fixed.

There is no suing the other insurer unless there is serious physical injury and some of that is changing in some provinces.
Have fun in Ottawa!

About the lady who bumped into ya....

You know that could have happened anywhere. Why single you out? Lady could have hit anything or any one. I wonder if she wanted attention after her minor ding. Either way, if you were stopped and she kept going, it's still her fault.

People vex me. Pip, pass the malt. We might need two bottles.
isn't making a false police report a crime?   It is here.

unless photo shows your car touching hers that photo means nothing   If you have a nice car perhaps she things you will just give her monry to go away.  I smell a scam here/
M, sorry to hear about your "accident"...at least it seems to have been a tempest in a teapot.

I slid backwards down an icy hill last winter and took out the taillight on a parked pickup. I was running late to class, so picked up the broken pieces and put them in the cab with a note of apology and my phone number. Local police called the house and hubby told them where I was. My students were a bit shocked when the nice police sergeant showed up at my classroom! After class we did the accident report, but the guy never called my insurance agent. When I tried to follow up, they figured he was driving uninsured and just decided to replace it himself.
The way insurance works here there is no benefit to the other person to attempt to get me to pay her any money. Her insurance rates will not go up, neither will mine.

Her insurance will pay for any needed repairs. It was not a reportable incident. She chose to report it probably because if she is as young as the police officer said she didn't understand how Ontario insurance works, or perhaps if she was driving dad's car, he didn't understand either.
M, your system makes so much more sense than our crazy patchwork. True of a lot of things about Canada...
@D I would be very interested in the ratio of attorneys to the general population. The United States is the most litigious country in the world.
Statistics show one lawyer for every 248 residents in the United States

Information for Canada was surprisingly difficult to find, if I have done the math right, and the numbers are correct, we have 37.74 million people  and 136,000 lawyers which is one lawyer per 360 people.

France is one lawyer per 1,221 people.

There are big differences between countries on the definition of a lawyer vs paralegals or barristers vs solicitors, notaries and many more job titles.

+27 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 8am and 47F (8.3C) with an expected high of 69F (20.6C) with mostly sunny skies in Tucson. Our Tucson weather is rather ‘yoyo-like’ in the coming days going from 70F (21.1C) to 81F (27.2C) to 68F (20C) to 82F (27.8C)!


I am very happy to report that I have been without low back pain (well, minimal pain) since receiving the bilateral steroid injections in the lumbar spine last week Tuesday! It has been an absolute joy to be able to sleep through the night without awakening from my own groaning. I can succeed at almost anything given a good seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. Changing the type of supplement from Cigna to UnitedHealth has been a top notch move. I have been able to see my providers and get the care that I need without muss or fuss. I have been walking a mile every day and enjoying the desert come into bloom. My little hummingbirds that visit my meditation garden continue to eat me out of house and home.


My new bookcases still lack two bottom shelves, which should be done next week. Meanwhile, I have been arranging all my genealogy books in the middle shelves, homeopathy texts, aromatherapy, herbal remedy, crystal healing, Healing Touch, and related quantum physics books (e.g., Wholeness and the Implicate Order) to the left of genealogy. I found my autographed copy of Fahrenheit 451 and placed it with three very early edition children’s books (Grimm’s Fairy Tales illustrated by Elenore Abbott; The Children of Dickens illustrated by Jessie Willcox Smith; and Kidnapped illustrated by N.C. Wyeth). If there is ever an Antiques Roadshow in Tucson, these are the items for which I would get appraisals. I collected several old Japanese medicine bottles that I found in caves throughout the southern tip of Okinawa when spelunking with retired airman “Digger Dave” and his son “Digger Jr.”. I placed these bottles near the homeopathy and other medical texts. I have been fortunate in being gifted with two medicine bags by nurse colleagues from the Navajo nation. These are with my healing, crystal, and other books along with crystals, pendulums and so forth. It has been great fun ‘decorating’ with books.


PIP, a bit of news from the ‘auld’ country thanks to NBC News on FaceBook! Scotland’s oldest tartan (older than I) was found in the highland bogs near Loch Ness. It is believed to be some 500 years old, around the time of Mary, Queen of Scots. The tartan was found some 40 years ago; however, it is going on display for the first time ever at the Vicki & Albert in Dundee. Personally, I think it is a piece of dress tartan from Nessie’s personal collection, although you probably have more kilts than Nessie will see in a very long lifetime. S/he (binary monster) likely wore this tartan on special occasions. It is no coincidence that I visited Lock Ness about the time that this tartan was found, and Nessie hid it after my ‘state’ visit.  (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/scotlands-oldest-tartan-found-highlands-peat-bog-rcna76765)


I have FINALLY finished Sir John Baldwin’s profile! And thank the Buddha for that because I was near ready to commit seppaku with all the detail. I left a message on Discord requesting that willing pre-1500 certified England Team members check my work. Michael Cayley and Gill Whitehouse responded. Michael said it was a ‘good work’, which is high praise coming from him. He added a source that indicates WHEN Sir John became Chief Justice of the King’s Common Pleas (of course he did). Gill gave it a quasi-thumb up relevant to sourcing. Her comment was to ‘create’ abbreviated sources that are multiples of the original. Given that I am a proponent of ‘ibid’ and ‘op cit.’, this was easier said than done! After reading how to do this on the Orphan Trail site and watching a video (that did not include how to do these shortened citations), I repeated the Nike mantra, ‘Just do it.’ Ummm…after spending five hours doing these shortened redundant citations, I messed the entire profile with upended sourcing and went to bed near midnight on Wednesday nearly in tears. After spending another three hours yesterday redoing these citations (akin to sticking bamboo shoots into my eyeballs and ripping my fingernails out  without benefit of anesthetic) I got through the ‘homage to Sir John.’ I sent a private note to Gill requesting that she check my citation work and just found on Discord that I got a written thumbs up from her. Now I will move on to Sir John’s children, one of whom was a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I.


Pip, thank you as always for wrangling the chat! And to all my fellow Chatterers, I hope you enjoy a happy, healthy, and productive first weekend in April 2023!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Good to hear the shots are helping. I hope they continue to help for an extended period. Now's the time for a Scotland trip -- while your back is behaving.
Well, Doug McCallum, we could ALL go to Scotland. We will start out own television show and call it 'Treelander'. It will entail drinking wee drams repeatedly and discussing our respective Scottish ancestry (some with more ancestry than others). Kilts optional except for the men!

Kilts required!

As long as the show isn’t called “Highlander”, you should be fine. Good luck! And find out what’s in the loch!
Hey Cousin Carol! So glad you're able to have more nights of unbroken sleep now. And congratulations on settling Sir John's hash...sounds like quite a journey.

Your bookshelf sounds great...nice reflection of your personality and eclectic interests. All our bookshelves are out of control with things spilling over onto the floor. Attention must be paid.

Scotland, ooh! I want to go back! Can I meet y'all there? No kilt/arisaid, but I'll wear my Norse jewelry from Shetland! Mmmm single malts...

Just checking on season 7 of Outlander, an announcement says the first week of June and it seems like it will be the same date as the UK debut, 16 episodes, 8 this summer, 8 next January, and the final 10 episodes sometime later. 

After that a spinoff, Outlander: Blood of My Blood, a prequel series about Jamie Fraser's parents, Brian Fraser and Ellen MacKenzie. 

Chris: I didn't see anything in Loch Ness back in 2005. 

Just found out from my kilt maker that they are working on recovering the sett count for that tartan fabric that was found. He told me to "watch this space." I can't wait! My next kilt!
So gld your pain is now being managed.  Continued wishes for sustained pain management.
@D wouldn't it be great for all of us to have a 'Highland Fling' in Scotland?

@Pip, I figured that they would want to develop the pattern so that the fabric could be sold to bring in money for the V&A in Aberdeen.

@M Ross...I haven't followed the show that much. I am aware of the seasons because my daughter has all the books and the DVDs and has told me the story. I saw much of the first season, but lost interest when they left Scotland. I have also heard about various later seasons from a Tucson friend, who also stopped watching after the second or maybe third season. She felt the show just became too 'prurient audience driven' (her words). The U of Arizona sponsors a 'Tucson Festival of Books' in March each year, and the author of these books has attended several in the past. I was told she draws quite a crowd. Not this year, though. Instead, there were a number of well-known journalists (e.g., Jonathan Lamier) who had published books and met with audience members. The big deal right now at the U of Arizona is the Linda McCartney photography retrospective. Diana and I are going next Saturday while her husband and son are at St Andrews, Scotland playing golf!

@Laura Thank you, Laura. I think this will be an ongoing treatment. It is a joy to be able to sleep through the night!
Carol, I'm glad the shots continue to bring you relief!
+29 votes

Ok, so I have two major discoveries this week that are related to each other.

It happened from a chance discussion with another Weddington researcher on Ancestry.

Background: On the Weddington Name Study, I discuss the Kentucky Weddington families. There has been an open question on whether Jacob C Weddington Sr (1777 - 1869) and Henry Weddington (aft. 1780 - abt. 1836)  were actually brothers. All we had as evidence was a mention of it in a book published in 1888. But this book also had other statements that have been potentially suspect too. So I could not be sure that there weren't other errors. I descend from Jacob.

In this discussion with this other researcher on Ancestry, she mentioned that both her, and her mother, have DNA matches to people who were supposedly descended from the aforementioned Henry Weddington. Yet, she and her mother were descended from Jacob, like myself.

She gave me a quick lineage for two of the DNA matches that she had.

The first rabbit hole was the discovery of notes that I had not seen before, of legal cases in Kentucky that showed that Henry Weddington had 5 illegitimate children with another woman, Rebecca Ford (married last name) while he was still married. One note details a case where it was "common reputation in the neighborhood" that these 5 Ford children were Henry Weddington's, and that Henry's son, William Weddington, acknowledges the Ford children as his half-siblings.

Well, I had never heard about this before. So I'm on the hunt for the actual source of these legal cases. I've found one of them so far, thanks to the help of Sandy Patak and a researcher friend of hers who pointed me in the right direction. A photocopy of what I found so far is attached to all the relevant profiles.

Going back to the DNA match lineages that was sent to me, I see that one of the DNA match lineages is through the Ford children of Henry Weddington. I went and connected up all of the Weddington / Ford profiles correctly on WikiTree, and I went back to look through potential DNA matches on WT, and my DNA matches on Ancestry. I found two DNA matches to myself: one DNA match through GEDmatch (from a WT connection), and another DNA match on Ancestry. Both of these DNA matches are through Ford lineages to Henry Weddington.

What does this mean? I now have multiple pieces of evidence to show more confidence that:

  • Jacob Weddington and Henry Weddington are brothers
  • The 5 Ford children are actually Henry Weddington's children, as claimed

Having these Ford lineages is fantastic because it gives us a great opportunity for more DNA matches to continue the confirmation process of everything above. I know that DNA is not perfect, and we are talking some distant relationships. It will require triangulation (and even that isn't perfect). But this is great news nonetheless. Because this has been one of my major goals with the Weddington Name Study.

I'm still working on research and getting everything updated. And no, we don't yet know why Henry Weddington had 5 other children with Rebecca Ford. All I have seen is just a note that said that Rebecca married her Ford husband, and that soon after he abandoned her. The legal case that Rebecca Ford filed in 1840 seemed to be soon after Henry Weddington died (which I'm trying to find out so I can get a better death date for him). It mentions that Henry died intestate, so she was likely trying to claim some part of the estate for her and/or her children, who by that time were legally acknowledged and bound to Henry.

Beyond that, I've done the usual: CC7, photos, RAWK (Erin Robertson), Suggestion list, etc.

by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (557k points)
Wow! What a great piece of research, Eric. I admire your skill and doggedness. A fascinating story!
Thanks, Pip! I tell ya, doing this stuff is a marathon. Gotta be in it for the long haul. Never give up!

"Gotta be in it for the long haul." Exactly, Eric!

ERIC! This story is better than Peyton Place! Which is probably before your time! I love it! And well done, you for this detective work.

Henry Weddington appears to have been a busy little bee pollinating like crazy in Kentucky! Meanwhile Eric Weddinton is a busy little bee pollinating WikiTree with discoveries! Congratulations! It's a family!

Thank you, Carol! 

There's potential for all this to get stranger. In the Weddington Name Study I also talk about Martha Weddington who supposedly married Valentine Wallace Hatfield. That's right, she's the matron of the Hatfield clan of the infamous Hatfield & McCoy feud. She's the paternal grandmother of William Anderson "Devil Anse" Hatfield.

I say "supposedly" because finding primary sources has been elusive. There is also enough circumstantial evidence to say that Martha (Weddington) Hatfield is a sister to Jacob and Henry. But again, I think the only way that we're going to establish that is through DNA testing. Again, these generations are so far back that we're going to need triangulation. But that's another major goal of the ONS that I hope I can achieve someday.

BIG thanks to researcher friend:  Tricia Payne Aanderud who just contributed to the Essential Guide to Kentucky Family Research book for the Kentucky Genealogical Society. smiley

@ Eric- I came across the Weddington name recently, must have been associated w/ the Battle of Lone Jack, as that has been my recent interest. Any known relatives here in Mo. mid 1860's.
@K: Yes there are Weddington families in Missouri during that time. You can see the table list of all of Weddington profiles and see Missouri as a location for several. That gets you a rough idea to start with. Let me know if there is something you want me to look up.
@Sandy: Yes! Big thank you to Tricia!
+26 votes
Hello Everyone!

I am glad I checked to see if the chat was up as I am about to leave for an orthopedist appointment. I am hoping for a couple of injections to ease the pain in my joints. Only problem is, I can't decide what to ask for - the hips or a hip and a knee. Anything will help so whatever is hurting the most when I walk in will get the treatment!!

I wish I could tune in for the Bingo sessions today but it is the same time as my appointment. Maybe I can do the later one on Adoption Angels.

I have been preparing a bit for the upcoming Thon by using my CC7 reports. I came across a few families that I had forgotten to finish filling out the children and spouses - in some cases I can also do the grands. My list is growing.

On the home front, the rest of one of our front yard trees was removed Wednesday. This is the one that our high winds the first week of March took out. They will come back and grind out the stump so we can plant another tree in that same spot. The front looks naked and it changes the whole appearance of the house.

Can you believe that April is upon us? It should be spring but cold weather and floods and high winds are still streaming across the country. Maybe spring will happen in April!

Take care and have a wonderful week.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Ginny, I hope your appointment goes as you wish and that your pain is eased. I usually just sit around until the pain gets so bad that I have to go to the doctor. 

I am ready for April! Good bye, winter. Welcome, warmer weather!

Virginia - I hope you feel better after the injections.  And, I can't believe that it is already April.....but I'm ready for a very warm Spring (fingers crossed!)
+26 votes

Happy Weekend, Wikitree Community!

Here's a quick follow up on the genealogical puzzle I was working out last weekend: Hannah Adams married Timothy Ellis and they had 4 children, including Timothy Ellis, who grew up and married Sarah Harding. Timothy Sr. died, and then Hannah married William Richardson. Hannah and William had 5 children, including Sarah Richardson, who grew up and married a cousin of her half-brother... another Timothy Ellis! William Richardson survived Hannah Adams and later married Abigail Curtis (w Curtis?) thereby neatly disguising the nature of these relationships. Furthermore, in those days, it was pretty much expected that parents would name children after the grandparents and themselves. This got complicated by the 4th & 5th generations, with multiple family members marrying Partridges and Richardsons. I'm working with a distant Jones-Ellis cousin to collect and sort the documents so that Wikitree will have an accurate presentation. This was a new one for me- I have never come across siblings who married in such a way that the couples had the same names like these two pairs of Timothy and Sarah Ellis. Have you? Now that I reflect on how it happened, I'm not surprised.

I'm on the run again, bouncing between my place, my mom's, and my friend's place in Norton, MA. I expect be back in Quincy on Sunday and settle for at least a week. I keep going to Fitchburg hoping to work in some research, but Mom makes other plans. We were out all afternoon on Wednesday - after back to back medical related appointments, she still had energy for clothes shopping. She seemed none the worse for wear and slept soundly. We are still working on stepping out from our Covid cocoons. It was nice to she her enjoying herself.laugh

Thanks again, Pip, for hosting the weekend chat!

Have a good week, everyone, and happy hunting!

by Anonymous Reed G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
edited by Anonymous Reed

A, this same-names-repeating-in-marriages issues shows up in my Galloway-McCall-Owen-Whitmire-etc families. DNA won't work because of all the pedigree collapse. 

You are as busy as a bee. How do you get any research done?!? cheeky

Hi Pip, Do you ever feel cheated of your full mathematical complement of 10th great grandparents?
At least my ancestors were obsessed with writing things down. There always seems to be a way to untangle New England family relationships if one looks in the right places. Also, when I'm stuck, there's usually some help in George W. Bush's pedigree-it's been thoroughly vetted by top-notch professionals and last time I counted, he and my dad share over 150 immigrant ancestors.
There are weeks when I can't squeeze in much research time, so I set monthly goals- not daily or weekly. Most of my Wikitree activity is recording research I've done over the last 50 years.

"Do you ever feel cheated of your full mathematical complement of 10th great grandparents?" laughlaughlaugh

I have only 16/512 of 7x Great-Grandparents, on WT, more on Ancestry that aren't entered here yet. Some are back to 10 x GGP.

M, I'm spoiled. Over the years, I've gotten used to knowing the names, dates, and places of many of my 9th and 10th great grandparents. Although I also have work offline and a private tree on Ancestry, Wikitree GPM and Mayflower Projects have done a lot of work on my dad's ancestors 8-10 generations out and come to the same conclusions I have. I think I may be able to fill in the open wedge in the middle here, which represents the ancestors of Hezekiah Emerson, and maybe a few of the other distant ancestors. Computer technology may be able to help solve the parents of John Dolloff (my 3rd gr grandparents) by process of elimination but none of his sons had children. (My mom doesn't want her information to be online while she is living. Her parents were Finnish; I will have a lot of work to do after she dies-although I know only a few generations going back only 150 years, they were very prolific. There is more to find in Finland, but I do not have access.) 

I do need to add far more older ancestors on WT, just looked at the last Family Tree Maker KInship report I ran, over a year ago.

It has 23 sets of 9xGGP, 8 sets 10xGGP, 2, 11xGGF, 1, 11 x GGM and 2 12 x GGF.

They go back to the late 1500s and there just aren't any records for most of the branches.

Only 2 branches have any kind of connections to well known or important families.

I could confirm my connection to Edward 1 and 3, if I could figure which of 3 cousins with the same name Ralph all born within 3 years 1667/68/69 was the father of my 7 x GGM.

They all have connections to important families at the time, only 1 has the connection to the Edwards.

Anne (Stenger) Walter - WikiTree Profile   and  Anna (Stenger) Walter - WikiTree Profile

my 6rh and 8th great grandmothers both married Walter men 

Stenger an Walter familes have married since 1600s   Most glssmaker lines are like this since to protect the secrets of the trade  3rd and fourthcousins ogten married,   Iy os likely the elder Anna arranged the marriage of her grandson to the younger Anna.  

That's interesting, Laura. I guess glassmakers were the chemical engineers of the day.
Yep. We donated 17 workbooks of formulas to the Corning Museum Rakow Library
+28 votes

Howdy folks! Greetings from central Oklahoma where the wind is screaming across the plains. We're supposed to get gusts up around 40 MPH today, which is pretty normal for springtime OK. My family and friends in Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana need to hang on to your hind ends this afternoon/evening. Brook had a webinar with the National Weather Service this morning, and you're looking at fast moving storms (60 mph) that can produce tornadoes without warning. If they tell you to head to your basement, do it. 

We got to hang out with the grandbaby last weekend and it was awesome! The weather was awesome so we got to sit outside most of the afternoon. The meeting for the class reunion was actually on Saturday instead of Friday, due to a massive oversight on my part, so Harper got to meet a few of the gals from my HS class. She was a big hit! The beer and wine started flowing, and pretty soon the meeting turned into a party and nothing got done. Oh well. There's always next months meeting.laugh

Yesterday was Opening Day for the Major League Baseball season! (It really should be a national holiday.) My Chicago Cubs beat the hated Milwaukee Brewers 4-0. We're hoping to make it to a game in St Louis to watch the even more hated Cardinals this summer. Should be fun! Go Cubs Go!!

Genealogy wise its been wash, rinse, repeat. Improving profiles and Ranger duty. I am almost done improving the profiles I'm manager for. Thankfully. 

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time....


by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (255k points)
But, John, those are the best kinds of meetings, the ones that turn into parties!!!
That's for sure, Pip!
You definitely rock that Ranger duty, John. Just glad you and I haven't had to cross swords. =D

Glad you had fun watching the game and with the grandkid. Meanwhile, the Sox are playing soon. Here's hoping they do well.

I wish all of my meetings turned into a party!!   I agree with @Chris - you definitely rock Ranger duty and I'm always appreciative of your efforts.  

......and a BIG thanks for joining the first Bingo today.  Welcome to the Greeters Project as their new Greeter! smiley

Thanks Chris! I think we'll be ok. laugh 

I think the Cubs will be better than they have been, but that ain't saying much. 

Thanks Sandy! I really enjoy Ranger duty! I like to drop in the Bingo chat since I won on WikiTree Day, I have to sit out playing. Its fun chatting with everyone, though.

I am looking forward to being a Greeter! Thanks for your encouragement.!
+23 votes
I have one problem, Pip. I can't be at the Bingo session on YouTube because of a therapy appointment at the same time. Details.

Currently in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, it's 36 F with a wind chill of 29 F. It's raining now with thunder and it will turn to snow tomorrow.

I have nothing to chat about at the moment. I'm patiently waiting for summer to begin.
by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (242k points)
We are not so patient here, Eileen. Summertiiiime, hurry up! Hope your therapy session goes well.

Join us for the 6pm (EST) Bingo!  Still two chances to win a prize. wink

+23 votes
Thank You for hosting the Chat Pip.

Musings from Northeast Ohio on Americas North Coast.

Weather, typical spring in northeast Ohio

Home Front,

Monday, Shopping, spending Diane's birthday money. Then she went to work and I had a club meeting.


Not too terrible but not great. I should survive but it is time to start taking more than a multivitamin every day. The great grandchildren and their parents came over, they were here Sunday, and that took a bit out of us. Add to the fact that my pharmacy was out of the prescription my doctor sent in. Well you get the picture.


The great grandchildren were over again, the third time in 4 days but At least I was able to get the prescription I needed.


Started my new medication but it is going to take some time for my system to adjust.


Zero, Nada, Nothing, my brain is still too foggy with the new drugs.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)

"...spending Diane's birthday money." Hahahaha!!!!! That's great!

Having family over can also be a prescription, even though I know it wears y'all out. Dale. We have also had the frustration of trying to get a prescription in... calling, calling, calling... finally comes in.

+27 votes

Happy End of March and First of April

Good morning one and all, missed posting last weekend but I was busy with my 7 grands. We visited The Outer Banks and had a blast. On Friday we settled into a nice cottage on the sound and drove down to the beach. On Sat. we went to Roanoke Festival Park  and the Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse in Manteo, ate a fantastic lunch on the sound at Avenue Grille and Goods, and then headed back to Nags Head for a afternoon of flying kites and body surfing on the dunes at Jockey's Ridge. The kids absolutely loved it there! On Sunday we went over to Corolla and tried to spot some wild ponies and see the lighthouse there, but a storm came up and we had to take shelter for a bit. Ended the trip with a visit to Digger's Dungeon to see the monster truck Grave Digger. 

On the genealogy front, I got notification from my DAR mentor that I was accepted into the DAR and will get my official number after April 5th. 

Weather is still a little chilly and we have wind advisory tomorrow. I will be doing some planting this week coming. I ordered some raised beds this year, the knees aren't what they use to be. But just have to have those home grown tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash. I'll also get some herbs, peppers, onions, garlic, and melons in. I'm going to do a few cabbage plants but it may be too late for those. 

*If the picture is too big please resize or tell me how, I have not posted pictures here before.


by Teresa Willis G2G6 Mach 5 (54.7k points)
edited by Teresa Willis
I remember flying kites on the Outer Banks as a kid. What fun that was. That is a beautiful photo, Teresa. Makes me want to make that drive across the state. I'll be at Atlantic Beach at the end of April. Close, but not the same.

Congrats on your DAR acceptance! How cool!

I will be going to Atlantic Beach with my daughter in June and she and I both thought...huuummm we might change to OBX...LOL. It had been a few years since I had been there. In fact the first time since my husband passed in 2013, he and I went there a lot.
I bet it's been some 40 years since I was down in that area of North Carolina. I'm sure that I won't recognize anything. Looking forward to some fresh seafood, though!
I've been there, wow that was 10 years ago, it was wonderful!
Congrats on the DAR!  And, I am in love with the colors of that photo.  I haven't been to OBX since way before Covid.  Thanks for sharing it.
What a beautiful view, and lovely colours! Where was it taken, and do you really have leaves on the trees already?

Greetings from Maria in Sweden
Maria this is taken in Manteo North Carolina and yes we have leaves already. We had a very mild winter and the trees started budding here in February. It was a very nice little weekend trip for us.
Thanks Sandy, the application went in January and I was getting nervous even though I absolutely know John Abernathy was a Revolutionary War Patriot...LOL. Working on my next one already. I took some lovely pictures at OBX I was very pleased.
Thank you Teresa, I read a bit about Manteo. I have never been to North Carolina.
+25 votes
Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

Okay. so, this week on the genealogy front I kinda struggled for what to come up with for the 52 Ancestors prompt "Light a Candle". I decided to make a blog dedicated to my dad's cousin Carol. Why? Why not: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/03/52-ancestors-week-13-light-candle.html

Check it out!

 In other news, I had a bit of an adventure on Familysearch when a user there was changing parents for someone born in the 1700s. I swapped them back and I messaged her about it. She had conflated a guy's half brother and her father who both had the same name. She emailed me and said her aunt had a tree with no sources that explained everything.

 As you can imagine, I tilted my head in confusion and linked her to WikiTree. She said she wasn't sure of the sources we had. She sent me the tree via email and I decided to check Archive.org and Ancestry to see what there was in terms of info backing up the claims. I found a will and a book about the history of Durham, NH. That sealed the deal. So, I sent it to her and she said it turned out her aunt was wrong.

I told her it was okay. Mistakes happen all the time in genealogy. She seemed okay with everything and didn't make a fuss so that was good. I did end up putting the sources on the tree on FS and here for the guy, his wife and EIGHT of their children. Was a long day. Heh.

At least it turned out good.

 I took part in the Wikitree discord party and I talked with Chris Whitten for the first time. That was cool. I said how much I enjoyed the site and that I hope I don't cause too much trouble. Unlike that Pip guy and his kilts. That guy's a troublemaker. Sigh...

In other news, today is Christopher Walken's birthday. Here's a present for everyone. You're welcome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxZAuC9SuGo

Hope everyone has a good weekend! Spring is here! WOOT!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (881k points)

I had a FamilySearch experience yesterday as well. My GG grandmother was deleted and replaced with a gal who was born 15 years after my GG grandfather died. Have you ever run across a situation where people are so stupid that they make you squint? This was one of those moments. laugh

Johnny, I've got stories, man. Humans on FS vex me. One guy on the Coppola side did the same thing after dna confirmed we were related. He decided to burn everything to the ground and delete people on FS who were connected to his grandfather.

Some people really want the world to burn.

Stupid is as stupid does. indecision

Yup. Sigh. Worst part is he has the sources confirming the relationship in his tree.
Ciao Cousin Chris...I love Christopher Walken, a fellow Aries! I read a while back that he was told he was not dancing material because of his height. As ever, he proved them wrong! This was a great clip and joyful.

My gradfather will have been 118 years old tomorrow! I'm posting a FB tribute with old photos of him. I added the firefighters sticker to his profile a few weeks back after doing the Bingo during the First Responders Friday Night Bingo. I actually won during that game and have my mug in a place of honor in my kitchen.

Ciao and hugs!

Chris, that was a very touching tribute you gave your "aunt." How kind of you to tell us about her. 

I missed the WikiTree party! crying

Nice how things turned out with the FS adventure. I know you've had some humdingers to deal with before. 

Anything to or from San Pietro lately?

@ Pip: Well, it's only been a week since I sent the email. So, I expect a response sometime in the next month or so. We shall see.

Thanks for your comment about my "aunt". She was awesome. Sorry you missed the party. There'll be other times.

@ Carol: Christopher Walken is awesome. =D You can put any music to that clip and still make him seem amazing. It works on many levels.

I'll have to check out the pics of your grandfather. =D Congrats on winning bingo!!

@Chris...we are not only cousins, we are both major Christopher Walken fans. Have you ever seen any of his guest spots on Saturday Night Live? Those were the good old days (or Saturday Nights). He is a multi-talented fellow. My first recall of his was The Deer Hunter. It was a toss up between him and deNiro, which says a lot for his acting ability.

FS can be so dreadful, the records are fine, but what people do with them is .......I can't find a word that describes it in the appropriate terms.

I had to explain to someone the other day that people did not travel back and forth to Australia every month or so in the 1800s.
@ Carol: Oh, I have. Gotta have more cowbell. =) Did you ever see him in Wayne's World 2 and in Batman Returns? I forget where I heard about him first. MAYBE it was Batman Returns. I have no idea.

He also brought his style to various OAV video games. Basically those are games with live action bits.

He's very talented!

@ M Ross: Yeah, the people there vex me. Thankfully, this person wasn't as bad as others I've had to deal with. One guy got annoyed with me because I insisted on using....

CAPTIAL LETTERS FOR A LAST NAME instead of all caps.

He even made a note about it and called me out on a profile. Rude, much?

There's like no accountibility on that website.

@M Ross...they didn't? What a shocker! I just had a bit of a to do with FS as someone revised the early 16th century profile for Sir John Baldwin. They got rid of the children that didn't belong to him, didn't list the children who do AND gave him the wrong siblings! There has beey way too much conflated information on FS, particularly when surnames are the same.

@Chris...yup! More cowbell! I say that every time I get off the plane in Milwaukee. Most of the passengers laugh and I know they 'get it'...America's Dairyland and Christopher Walken's SNL routine. Love it! Oh, and yes, I saw him in Batman Returns, but not Wayne's World

Yup, I use sources from FS, but unless I am feeling particularly masochistic I have given up on fixing stuff!
@M Ross...I thought your home redo would be 'maso' enough for you without adding FS to the self-inflicted pain! I don't even bother fixing. I did send a rather terse note to the person who 'updated' the bio making it clear that Henry and Lettice were NOT siblings; however, nothing has changed. At least the family is correct on WikiTree!
Found it. Gotta have more cowbell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVsQLlk-T0s

@ Carol. Yes. He was the main antagonist in Wayne's World 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUJj6RZnlpk

@ M: I use FS for sources but I keep a tree there just to put all the sources in one spot.

Terse note, huh? Cool. =D At least the fam is correct on WT. You could just slip in and correct things and leave another note.

Oh! There was also this one time when I put in an Italian guy as the bio father for someone. The proof was a DNA test. The lady wanted censuses/marriage or it wasn't accurate. She didn't believe in DNA. The match was an over 800 cM dna match. You....can't fake that. And no one documents...ya know.....

I ended up writing a proof statement. It's all I can do.
+26 votes
I just returned from Florida for the last time.  It has become too expensive and a huge hassle to travel back and forth.  I will certainly wonder if I made the right decision next winter as the snow covers my windows, but I still hope to downsize to a new place so I can get in and out much easier if I have to.

I have five months of chat to catch up on so I will be busy
for quite a while.   I don't expect to be able to do much entering things on profiles in the near future because I am so far behind in all of the changes being made.  Our local
town historian passed away while I was gone and he was the cemetery president and groundskeeper.  He will be greatly missed.  His father and grandfather have held the jobs for many years and he has no local son to take over.
We will have a hard time replacing him I am afraid.

If anyone tried to contact me while I was gone and need to
reconnect  or refresh any questions please feel free to do so.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (629k points)

Welcome back, Beulah!  laugh

Welcome, back, Beulah!  It's great to hear from you.
Hi Beulah, you were missed! Welcome back!
We have missed you, Beulah!!! More than you know.
Beulah, what you really need is a Holodeck! So you can pretend to be somewhere else.
Welcome back, Beulah! Next winter when you are covered in snow, we are here to chat and collaborate with you!
+26 votes
Hello from wet and windy England.

Only on Wednesday evening I applied for a job as an exam invigilator at our local senior school, by 1130 this morning I had the job. Not quite as impressive as it sounds though. Currently I invigilate at another school some 15 miles away and the cost of petrol doesn't make it worthwhile for short exams. Now I will be able to walk to the school and save the petrol.

Genealogically I have been concentrating on my 3 x great grandfather, William Oatway, and his family. Coincidentally another WikiTreer worked back to the same ancestor at about the same time so now we need to initiate a merge.

A big box of assorted photographs, which I have been ignoring for a while, is now open beside me in the study. Six or seven albums full and several hundred loose photographs, mostly without names or dates. Some are identifiable and from them it can be possible to identify earlier or later pictures of the same person. But it is going to be a long, slow process, and many will remain as mysteries.
by Martin Honor G2G6 Mach 4 (40.7k points)
What is required to be an  invigilator?  Is it like a proctor or grading answers?

I had to look up the definition of a proctor, and yes invigilator appears to be the English equivalent. We supervise exams and ensure that students don't cheat and the exams are conducted in a fair manner. No formal qualifications are needed other than being conscientious and alert. Most seem to be former teachers but we are a mixed bunch, just like the pupils.   

Sounds like an interesting job you have there, Martin. And, good thing that it is close by to boot! (I had to look it up, too.)

Hi Martin, I hope you will start sharing the old albums on wikitree.

This is my first try to share an old album.

So far the text is only in Swedish.

Greetings from Maria in Sweden

+26 votes

Virtual Vacation!

We visited Knutsford in Cheshire, England on 3 July 2022, the day before we flew home. Our plan was to visit Tatton Hall, a large stately home on the edge of the village, I had been there before and though it isn't as elegant and expensively furnished as many similar places, Robbie wanted to see a stately home. 

Also it was a miserable day, cloudy and drizzling, and spending time inside seemed a wise choice. Nothing went right, we paid our admission to the estate at the entrance gate but when we got to the house it wasn't open on Mondays! The admission cost covered exploring the grounds and parking, we could have walked in at no charge. 

So we went into the town to find something to eat and to stay dry. 

Another reason for visiting was to visit the Heritage Centre as some of my mother's ancestors lived there in the late 1700s, and the Heritage Centre was closed. 

Next idea walk around town after the rain stopped and play tourist. 

It is a very old town, apparently visited by King Canute a very long time ago. Neolithic remains have been found in the area. 

This is one of the entrance gates to Tatton Hall, this is not my picture, it comes from Geograph.UK with a creative commons license.


This a typical cobbled street off the High Street, it also came from Geograph.UK


These are very typical terraced houses, probably built in the early 1800s


This is one of a series of 9 signs, plaques, notice boards that are attached to the front of old buildings, each tells the story of the building and street. I thought it a wonderful way of presenting local history to visitors. And I am going to suggest it to the local historical society. 


The Rose and Crown Inn has been in operation since 1647.


This is the front of a building that houses the Courtyard Coffee House, the back yard is where refreshments are served, we didn't go in as the awnings etc were still dripping. 


If I interpreted the maps, and birth, marriage etc records correctly, this is where my mum's ancestors lived, you can see where the iron crosses were installed at some time to stop the front and back walls spreading apart 


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (959k points)

Ahhh, I love your virtual vacations from England, M!

Thanks for another beautiful tour, M.
Pip, you will have to stop visiting Tucson and cross the Atlantic instead!

I'll go to Tucson and pretend I'm you, I'll wear my Ross tartan scarf and very high heels.
hahahaha! De3al, but I'll let YOU tell Carol.
Hi M, I love the Rose and Crown Inn! And it is really keen to see where your mum's ancestors lived.

But...no...if Pip crosses the pond, so will because I love my travels in GB. My next trek will include Cornwall now that I know where my 2x great grandmother came from! And then we can choo choo to Scotland to see where my daughter's Thom and Gourley ancestors came from. I have some Scots ancestry, but it goes back to Malcolm and St Margaret. You can wear your Ross tartan scarf and very high heels. I will wear my Malcolm scarf and tennis shoes. Pip can wear his selection of kilts!
+24 votes

Currently, it's 6˚ C and raining in Fort Erie. Predicted high is 8˚ C, so apparently the weather service expects it to keep on getting less cold, even though we're well past noon now.

I've been having "fun" with the blood sugar sensor in my arm. I'm still getting used to these things. When I had the first one in, the tester kept waking me up in the middle of the night and whining that it wasn't close enough to the sensor. ("You're right by the side of the bed. If you were any closer, you'd be in the bed. And no, you can't sleep with us. You're old enough to sleep by yourself. I don't care if there are monsters under the bedside table.") It was so needy. And then the sensor came loose after only four days, so that was the end of that. With the second one, it nearly made it the full two weeks, but then it kept on waking me up claiming that my blood sugar was dangerously low. (Which it has never been, even once, in 13 years of testing.) The first time, I dutifully dosed up on sugar and tested again, but when it tried the same stunt three hours later, I just waited and tested again, and it said, "Never mind." This morning, I was ready. I came into my office and got out a strip. Sure enough, my blood sugar was bang in the middle of the target range. And then the sensor came loose, so that was the end of that. I'm due to get yet another sensor on Tuesday, and will just use strips until then. Tune in next week for another episode, where Greg asks the sensor, "What do you want now?"

This week, I checked through the list of Baptist Notables, to see if there had been any progress on sourcing and connecting them. And, while I was at it, I added a few more. I also finally dug out my grandfather's history of my home church, and started work on finding or creating profiles for former pastors and linking them with succession boxes, starting with J. J. Ross, whose wife ended up having a room in the church named after her.

I'm still working on the Unconnected Canadian Politicians page, which lists former premiers, colonial governors, lieutenant governors, commissioners, federal ministers of health, and mayors of Ottawa, the provincial and territorial capitals, and the 14 next largest cities in Canada. (I started to run out of former provincial leaders, so I widened the scope.) I found out this week that I had followed the wrong link and missed some Quebec lieutenant governors, which was actually good news, since I was running out of Quebec leaders.

And today is my last day of working on profiles with a Last Name At Birth of Kelso and Phillips for this year. Margaret Summitt has been working on Kelsos too, and I suspect that the month-end numbers are going to be much improved.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (771k points)
Hiya, Canada Greg! So, not getting much sleep these days, eh? I think I'd just go with the strips. I need my sleep!
Geez Greg, your 'Peter Pancreas' is not doing its job properly. What is concerning is the lack of sleep, which as we all know is the best medicine. Take care!
My son (23) recent started using the arm glucose sensor again now that it is covered by Ontario health insurance. He ended up with 2 defective ones before he got one that actually worked properly.

I try and work on at least one of the monthly Canadian notables to get them connected to the main tree.

Hoping you get some more sleep soon!

Oh, I never get enough sleep, Pip. That was going on long before I got the sensor. I remember after the ice storm we had a few weeks back, the coating of ice started to drop of the branches of the tree that looms over our bedroom. At the height of the racket, it sounded like dozens of squirrels playing rugby on our roof. (In the middle of the night, of course.)

Actually, Carol, I brought it on myself. Even a hyperactive pancreas can't pump out enough insulin to overcome the effect of so many fat cells that my body is insulin resistant.

Thank you, Liza. Currently, notables (Canadian or otherwise) are well below the average WikiTree profile when it comes to being connected.

+21 votes

I'm not a weekend chat regular — just when something momentous happens. But The Register dropped a couple of days ago, and my years-in-the-making article with Florence Gargaro and Kathryn Peters has finally appeared! So if you are a descendant of John Thurber of Swansea (and 99.9% of people in America with the Thurber surname are), then you might check it out:


by Barry Smith G2G6 Pilot (348k points)
Congrats on the article. I haven't seen the journal yet.
Congratulations, Barry!

Woah! That's great,  Barry. Congratulations. I'm not a descendant so I can only drool over all that superior research.

Congratulations Barry- an article in The Register is a major achievement. I'm very impressed!
Congratulations on the publication, Barry! Well done, you!

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