"Welcome to the Weekend Chat" All Members are Invited!! March 30 - April 1, 2018 [closed]

+14 votes


New Members Saying Hello (our favorite!)

Puzzles and Tips by Laura Bozzay

"Today Is" by Dorothy Barry

Eddie's Picks - Movies & Music

Where in the World ?  Share your photos!

Members Checking in via "All About the Weekend Chat"

Have fun and let others know you liked their posts... click the stars and mark answers you like as "best".  Those posts will be temporarily highlighted by being placed as the first answer in the chat for a while.  Members will also receive email notification (unless they opted out) that let them know you liked what they did.

At the end of the weekend "best answer" will be removed as all answers are equal in the eyes of the Chat.  Click to learn more.

It's ok.... go for it!


Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and many will enjoy their multitude of reading options.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread goodwill :)

WikiTree profile: Laura Bozzay
closed with the note: Event is over
in The Tree House by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (835k points)
closed by Laura Bozzay
I live on Coast of Alabama and weather is glorious!  Just in time for Easter, as it had been cooler and rainy.  I'll be painting a set for the Community Theater on Saturday afternoon, and in the mean time, I must go chain myself to sewing machine,  altering the massive mound of costumes.  30 players in our production of "Snow white Variety Show" which starts on the 13th.


The March Blue Moon will alsol be a "Paschal" Moon.  Spring began on March 20, and 11 days later, the moon turns full. So this is also the first full moon of spring, and as such, it's designated as the Paschal Moon. The first Sunday after the Paschal Moon is usually designated as Easter Sunday, as will indeed be the case on the very next day, April 1.
I have been trying to get my head around the idea of April Fool's and Easter and Passover, and Blue Paschal Moon, and Cyprus National Holiday and National Poetry Month all converging.... oh no, maybe it is just eating too much chocolate!
Now you have rolling on the floor among the scraps of 3 bears fur, laughing

Oh no, I just realized April lst or April Fools Day is this year's Easter Sunday; which means check those easter eggs, and be careful before biting into a chocolate bunny. You have been warned lol...

Got kids, grandkids, I found this page giving "5" April Fools Day pranks you can plan, if you dare lol:

They are predicting snow here on Sunday!   Sigh...

So I contacted our bunny and had the baskets delivered early.   

One set has gone home with one granddaughter today.  

Trying to get hold of my other one....
Snow??? where do you live ... Talked to a lady at the grocery store this morning and she did tell me it snowed a couple of years ago for Easter, where she lived up north, I just laughed as we were complaining about the wind while trying to get to our cars lol.
Southwest suburb of St Louis County MO not to be confused with the City which is a different legal entity.  But yes they are predicting snow and rain.

Go figure!  I did not know the Easter Bunny was a snow bunny!
Hi Laura!  Thanks for hosting!
Herb!   So glad you are back!   How is that new project coming?
Thanks Laura for hosting the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend Chat.
April Fool falls on April 1 which is Easter April Fools day is not Monday it is Sunday.
Also everyone welcomt to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
Hi Linda, Glad you could drop in!
Hello all, I am very new here. I currently live in Florida but my family is in Indiana. I came here in the hopes of finding answers to a dead-end in my lineage. My true birth name is Clark, I can not correct that just yet but once the system allows me to, I will fix that. Anyway, howdy all!
Lori Welcome to WikiTree and the Easter and April Fools WikiTree Weekend Chat.

28 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

This may not be the place for this but, I've run into a Brick Wall.  My Jewett ancestors came from Northern England ... Bradford ... I've tracked most of them, a couple came as part of the Puritan Great Migration, several more stayed in Bradford.  But, there was one, Ezeramalius, that went out hunting one day ... headed North and was never heard from again.  Anyone have any clues?
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Living Barnett
I'm sorry, it's not my brick wall that I ran into ... seems that my long lost relative, Ezeramalius, ran into Hadrian's wall on his hunting trip ... could never trust that guy.

So, happy April Fools day ...

Bob we welcome Brick Wall questions on the chat. .

Does you guy fall within the 1620 to 1640 time period?  Was his surname Jewett or something ded

Having a time period helps a lot.  What was last known date of him being OK?

I found this  

During the Civil War the town was garrisoned for the Parliamentarians and in 1642 was unsuccessfully attacked by Royalist forces from Leeds. .  from Wikipedia long article on the town.


Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+14 votes

Canadian History Puzzle

For WikiTreers who are working on improving the profiles of the Canadian Prime Ministers, Fathers of Confederation, and other historical Canadian figures.


Leader: Erin Breen and a co-leader is needed here! If you're interested, contact Erin

·   Alberta coordinated by Bob Jewett

·   British Columbia Leadership wanted (Interim, Mags Gaulden

·   British Home Children, led by Mags Gaulden

·   Empress of Ireland

·   First Peoples Canada 

·   Grosse Île, Québec led by Maria Maxwell

·   Manitoba led by Lianne Lavoie

·   New Brunswick coordinated by Bob Jewett

·   Nova Scotia led by Erin Breen

·   Ontario led by M. Gaulden

·   Quebecois led by Guy Constantineau; coordinated by Danielle Liard

·        Les Filles du Roi Project - Leader: Guy Constantineau; Project Coordinator: Danielle Liard

·        Les Filles à marier Project - Leader: Guy Constantineau; Project Coordinator: Greg Lavoie

·   United Empire Loyalist led by M. Gaulden

  1.  With  9.98 million square kilometres (3.85 million square miles) of area, Canada Ranks what number in the world?  
  2. Currently, Canada has how many provinces?
  3. Currently, Canada has how many territories? 
  4. In 1535 who established what is considered to be the first colony in what is now Canada?
  5. In 1867 Canada was under which country’s control? 
  6. The first North American English colony was? 
  7. What 4 Provinces were part of the 1867 Canadian Confederation? 
  8. During World War I what unit played a major role in the Battle of Vimy Ridge? 
  9. How many treaties were signed between Canada and its indigenous people between 1871 and 1921? 
  10. What territory is the smallest and most western of its territories? 
  11. What is the second largest and most populated territory? 
  12. What is the newest, largest, and most northern territory?
  13. Third most populated Province. 
  14. Fourth most populated Province and one of 3 prairie Provinces. 
  15. Large French speaking and heritage Province. 
  16. Fifth most populated and a prairie Province. 
  17. The most Eastern Province.  
  18. Second smallest and a maritime Province. 
  19. Most populated and second largest Province. 
  20. Only Province without natural borders. 
  21. A maritime Province that produces 25% of Canada’s potato crop.
  22. According to the Canadian Constitution it is the only official bilingual Province. 

A docx and pdf version are available at:  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqo8mt2eobujwgd/AAAzB3IGNHqNKXBfdE985NBZa?dl=0   and answers are in the answer folder at this location.

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (835k points)
Havent checked the answers - wanted to post my answer first!!

1 - second after russia
2 - 10 provinces
3 - 3 territories
4 - Jacques Cartier
5 - Before July 1st 1867, under Britains control
6 - Cupers Cove, Newfoundland
7 - What are now Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
8 - canadian corps - 4 divisions - no units mentioned
9 - 11 treaties
10 - Yukon
11 - NWT
12 - Nunavut
13 - British Columbia
14 - Alberta
15 - Quebec
16 - Manitoba
17 - Newfoundland & Labrador
18 - Newfoundland & Labrador
19 - Ontario
20 - Saskatchewan
21 - PEI
22 - New Brunswick
Way to go Robynne!! Hope you got them all correct!!
Looks like I got 1 answer totally wrong - and 2 answers partially right so I giving myself half a point for those - which means I lose 2 points - which means I got 20 out of 22 right - sorta, kinda... LOL
Robynne,,  All in all you did very well!  For one of the answers I have clearly a different answer.  For another I have the name of a country, you of a person, but that person may have been from the country so it could be one of those semantic differences.  For a third , the last part yes,  the first part I am not that versed in Canadian Geography so I have a different place name but it could be that one is part of the other...   so one clearly different and 2 maybe...   So if all 3 turn out not be the same that would still be 86% right... but my gut says it is probably closer to 95%
18 is the one I do count as totally wrong.

Number 2 - he was from the right country so I gave that answer half a point. The question said WHO which implies a person - and not a country!!

For number 6 I'm not totally familiar with that province either but my answer is what my research told me!!  I did get the province right. Another half a point for that.

But if you really insist, I will agree to 19 out of 22 - have no idea what percentage that is!!

I gave you more credit than that!  As I said the worst was 3 or 86% but I think you were close to 1 or 95%.   So all and all extremely good showing!

Number 2 was actually number 4.  And you get full credit for it.

So really it is number 6..  I have St John's you have Cuper's Cove.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._John%27s,_Newfoundland_and_Labrador  it on one hand it was 

Founded 24 June 1497  but it also says:

The oldest European settlement in North America controversy[edit]

There has been some controversy regarding which European settlement is the oldest in North America. As mentioned above, while English fishermen had set up seasonal camps in St. John's in the 16th century, they were expressly forbidden by the English government, at the urging of the West Country fishing industry, from establishing permanent settlements along the English-controlled coast. As a result, the town of St. John's was not established as a 'permanent' community until after the 1630s.[25] With respect to the oldest surviving permanent English settlements in North America, it was preceded by Jamestown, Virginia (1607),[27] the Cuper's Cove colony at Cupids (1610), St. George's, Bermuda(1612)[28] and the Bristol's Hope colony at Harbour Grace (1618).[29]

So the question was 

The first North American English colony was?    I could argue either way, it was the first founded but was not allowed to be permanent until much later.  

So I am ok with either answer.  I think both have valid arguments. 
You not suppose to that Robynne.

 Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+16 votes


  1.  Participating In a challenge?  This is how to use the Challenge Tracker.  Upon saving your new profile, a box will appear at the top of the edit screen that has a link to Challenge Tracker. 

After clicking the Challenge Tracker button a new screen will open up. 

Select the Challenge you are participating in and the list of comment hints will pre-populate.

 Either pick the one that has the most relevance to what you have done  Or create a comment of your own. 

Press Add Action.  

You can now safely close the window and move on to another profile.  The Tracker will add your work to your total. 

 2.  Have you signed up yet for a Clean A Thon team?   It is loads of fun and a great way to meet others on WikiTree.   Teams are formed around a number of different topics, some are regional, some time period specific, some more general.   Go to the current thread and peruse the various teams you can join.


Select:   (See current list of teams here.

https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Spring_Clean-a-Thon#Teams  Contact the team you would like to join

3.  Not sure what to do or how it works?  Take a look at the Tutorial!  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Spring_Clean-a-Thon_Tutorial

4.  You can concentrate on easy suggestions if you are new to this  Things like looking for USA in a location field when the date is before July 1776.  Just eliminate USA.  Things like typos.  Was Mississippi spelled wrong, with one p?   Things like Unique Name  do internet query to see if that spelling is used in more than one place…  You get the idea….  For more seasoned members there are a lot of suggestions that need attention.  Pick the places you think you can make the most contributions. 

5.  Run your own Suggestions list and clean up all of your own suggestions.  You can do some of those now as practice and if you have questions post them so you can learn before the Clean A Thon happens in April!

6.  Please if you can correct any additional suggestions that may appear, do so.

7.  Also, if you see that the biography and source sections are messy, please clean them up.  There should only be one Biography heading and one Sources heading. 

8.  Adding * in front of each new source sets it onto a separate line

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (835k points)
You have marvelous and great and amazing tips this time and every time especially since the Spring Clean-a-Thon is about here Laura.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+17 votes

Today is.....


                              "Good Friday"


Christians and Jews across the globe reflect on, and celebrate a holy weekend beginning today.

Friday is a big day for two of the world’s major religions. Millions of Jews will gather Friday night for the beginning of Passover, the eight-day holiday celebrating the Israelites’ deliverance from slavery in Egypt. Meanwhile, Christians will be celebrating Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. 

Many people in different areas of the world celebrate the "Passion of Christ" or reflect on Jesus Christ’s crucifixion according to the Gospels of MatthewMarkLuke and John. This is an observance that involves people fasting and praying. Many church services are held today usually around noon to 3pm, to remember the hours when Jesus hung on the cross and the many events leading up to it including: the triumphal return of Jesus to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday; the washing of the disciples' feet by Jesus; and the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday. 

Good Friday is a day of mourning and quiet prayer for many Christians. The candles are often extinguished and statues, paintings and crosses may be draped in black, purple or gray cloth. Some Catholics treat Good Friday as a day of fasting, while others observe a partial fast involving the exclusion of meat. 

How to celebrate:

*Attend special church services or prayer vigils in your area. 

*Treat as a day of fasting, or observe a partial fast involving the exclusion of meat.  

*Read scriptures. 





by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
My reading today is going to be about electronic circuits, components, and resonance in my breaks from genealogy. I hope God forgives me but the class takes no holidays, in fact our final exam is on Mothers Day!
Whatever you believe I hope this weekend brings you the love of family and laughter of friends along with lots of goodies to share with those who mean the most to your heart.
John 3:16 always resonates with me.
Ditto to everyone here today. Thanks Dorothy for the reminder.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+11 votes

Hello to all, The weather is not that bad for the near future in my location so that is good. I also got some good news about my uncle, after his last PET scan they said everything is all clear. On WikiTree I went down another rabbit hole, I was watching a TV show about the Civil War and looked up the names they mentioned. I not only found all 3 names online but I found they did not yet have profiles on WikiTree so I created the profiles for them and then went searching for others with the same surname. I wound up adopting a lot of Pritchard, Hackley, and Minty profiles that have been untouched and mostly unsourced since 2010, I guess I have a lot of work to do with them. In my research I also discovered that General Benjamin Dudley Pritchard was born and lived very near where I was living about 2 years ago in Nelson, Portage, Ohio,United States. He was one of the men who captured Confederate President  Davis after the war. Well I have a lot of work ahead with all of the"new" profiles on my watchlist and I also have a class tonight so I better stop talking and get to work again.

by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Nelson Township is just about 1/2 hour south of where I currently reside so if I have to do some "boots on the ground" research it will not be too bad, but darn I was a lot closer 2 years ago.
Way to go Dale!   And Congrats again on that outstanding, stellar, point count.  You are our "one in a million!"

Oh, our newest  g2g Astronaut!!! Dale, give us some pointers, how did you accomplish that goal, what got you motivated to keep at it??? Do tell lol.....

Sorry for the delay Dorothy, I had a very long radio class tonight, over 4 hours, with a LOT of math. To answer your question To get that many points just answer a lot of questions, and ask a lot, give out only upvotes on other peoples answers and the most important thing is have others give you a lot of upvotes.

This is what it took

Questions: 187 (48 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 1,553 (243 chosen as best)
Comments: 2,859
Voted on: 26,411 questions, 48,108 answers
Gave out: 74,364 up votes, 155 down votes
Received: 9,974 up votes, 264 down votes

Most of the down votes I gave out were from a couple of years ago, I don't do that very much anymore I just do not upvote things I disagree with.

Those numbers have already changed.
Love that term, "rabbit hole!" It is so apt!
Alexandra,  Great to see you here on the chat!
Ditto to what everyone said especially about Alexandra. Great to see you on the Easter and April Fool's WikiTree's weekend chat.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+17 votes
I ask you now ... Where did March go?
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
"Hopped "on out of here!
Lousy Smarch weather.... </Simpsons reference>
Oh, Sandra that is funny!   And when you are as old as I am, asking where did the time go is a daily mantra!
Me too! Old that is, .
Marched away
Oh we have a spring comedy revue going on!  This is too funny!

You are keeping us hopping!
Ditto to everyone on what they said and it went out like a roar of a lion.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+13 votes
Good weekend to all....on my way to church, post more later.
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Yes Love lights the way and Sacrifice is good for the soul.
For the first time I went to Sunrise this morning while my mom slept since she didn't get to bed till 5:00 this morning because of my dad's problems. I left the house about 6:30 this morning since the service was  7:00 at my old church outside. So when I got back at 8:15 or 8:30 she and dad was still asleep. My dad always not feeling good any more he has almost all days are bad for him. Then I watch my mother church service on the internet at 9:00 this morning.
+14 votes
Welcome back to hosting, Laura! Now it is YOUR e-mail that will get a ton of notifications! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Hope we are doing good. My tip this week about DNA. Got some help triangulating and confirming DNA with the help of the awesome and talented Kay Wilson. She and I were trying to work out the best way to DNA confirm everyone on the first 30 people on the tree.

What you need to do is see if you have a distant cousin out there who is 3rd or closer. See if they have a test online like at Ancestry. Make a profile here. Work the way up to your common ancestor. Then basically connect the dots and you can fill 'em in in no time.

This works wonders and I was able to do a decent job. Now I am checking to see if any of my mom's other cousins did any tests. So far I haven't found any. But, that's okay. She has like fifty cousins. I wish I was joking. I'm friends with umm....like four on Facebook.

So, yeah. Get your cousins tested. But, try not to sound weird if you ask for their DNA code. This isn't the Matrix or Minority Report.

Another tip I have is when a cousin contacts you out of the blue, be sure to be nice and courteous. This week someone on Ancestry from the Felker side contacted me. We talked on Skype. Nice lady. She's about my age. I checked out her tree to find the common ancestor. She checked out mine. She was having trouble figuring out where she falls in the tree because she was adopted and her ancestor, Austin Wilfred Felker Jr, married a lot of women. A. LOT. Dude is on so many marriage certificates.....

She had some errors in her tree. I hope she fixes 'em. She's nice. Just needs a bit of TLC in her tree. And that's where I come in. Just remember to be nice to those people. And Skype is good to use when you're talking things over. Or Discord.

In other news, the glaciers of New England are receding and it's foggy out there. I was gonna film, but, it's too yucky out there. Need light. At least the voice over work is done. Working on a video where I countdown the top ten Avengers.
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (771k points)
So is there a new super hero in your future?  Doublehelix the Genetic match finder?   He or She braves the slings and arrows of disgruntled relatives who want their own history even if it is not true...  and also brings families together matching groups of cousins to others who have lost touch with each other.   This superhero sees connections others only guess at.  

Ok, I know... this is not my turf!    But I just had this image of you as the caped crusader of genetics!
In my experience, any character who dabbles in genetics has either been a mad scientist or a kindly wheelchair bound mutant telepath. A lot of perople in comics tend to use genetics for what they think is right. Or to create an army of clones to mess with someone. Comics are weird.

I do have a character who is a bit of a mad scientist when it comes to genetics and DNA. He's not a nice man. Let's leave it at that. Though there are plenty of heroic scientists out there.

I don't think I'll be cloning anyone just yet. Though that is a cool code name. There was a character in comics called "Helix" in the '90s. He was able to adapt his body to various stimuli. Like if he got hit with a rock, his body would turn rock-like. Not sure whatever happened to him.

Oh and NO CAPES! </Edna Mode>
So Chris and I have been playing with this idea off line.  

We have maybe 2 humans... twins  guy DoubleHelix and gal DoubleX

Maybe they touch people and see the ancestors or maybe they time travel.

They recover missing heirlooms like the precious binder in another thread.

Chris told me no capes!  Ok...  Lab coats?  Librarian or research attire?

Is their hair double helix strands or is it part of the costume?  

Who wants to play?
More likely they touch the person and can see into the past. They then contact the spirit realm and make contact with the deceased. Brick walls become a thing of the past.

Oh, man would these two be exploited. I got two words for ya. Hail. Hydra.

Uniforms: Lab coats. Maybe some type of uniform underneath. DNA helix logo.  Hair in double helix form seems like something out of an anime. =)

Basically the two would be metahuman sages who can contact the dead. The catch is that they have to touch someone to find their ancestors in the spirit realm. To do that, they leave their bodies behind and go there via the astral plane.

I have spent way too much thought on this. Blame over twenty years of reading comics, true believers. EXCELSIOR!
Yea I will blame it on the reading of comics, and true believers. Chris

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
Everyone else does. =)
+11 votes
What do bunnies have to do with Eggs, Chocolate, and Easter?



One of my great great grandfathers was a candy maker.  Had the largest candy factory west of the Mississippi in 1875.  So I think I can claim a genetic connection to chocolate!
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (835k points)
Easter was originally a fertiity rite. Eggs produce chicks. Chocolate actually IS a mild aphrodisiac. And what are bunnies known for?????? %$^# like bunnies.

Everyone knows the Catholics adopted Pagan holidays to Christianity to make it easier to convert the Heathen.

I think your links elude to that.
Thanks you Steven.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+12 votes
Not a lot to report this week. Had what looks like a new cousin write to me a couple of days ago. To which I enthusiastically replied. But haven't heard back from her yet. I may have overdone the enthusiasm!!

She is not actually related to me, but she is related to my 3rd cousin who lives in BC, Canada, and she has joined Wikitree so that's good. Hopefully she will get back to me.

My family chat starts in 2 hours so I'm just sitting here twiddling my thumbs. LOL

Have done the Canadian history puzzle for this week - my answers are posted above. Don't want to check the answers yet - so I can keep my illusions that I got them all right!!  LOL Thank you Laura for a challenging puzzle.

I managed to hit the 1000 contribs level this month, so I will get a nice shining new 1000 badge next week!!

Julie's question of the week was what Traditions do you have for Easter. I have to reply - Sadly none. We dont do easter. We dont really do any of the religious celebrations. Not a religious family at all.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Well the new cousins email came in while I was chatting to my family - which makes sense as it is now Saturday morning in NZ.
Robynne my extended family is a mix of very religious to almost not believing in anything but not quite willing to admit that.  It makes for some interesting holiday discussions!   It is funny how such diverse beliefs can come from the same family.
Me and my parents did go to church on Sundays but since last year and my dad's health has been going down hill we haven't since I think it was early spring. I also managed to hit the 1000 contribs level this month, so I will get a nice shining new 1000 badge next week!! That was after everything else this week I did make it. Congratulations on finding a new cousin.

 Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+14 votes



National Vietnam War Veterans Day on March 29 honors the men and women who served and sacrificed during the longest conflict in United States history.

It was on March 29, 1973, when combat and combat support units withdrew from South Vietnam. Generations later, Veterans of this time period are gaining the respect that was not so freely given upon their return. Involving five U.S. presidents, crossing nearly two decades and 500,000 U.S.military personnel, it left an indelible mark on the American psyche.

Returning Veterans did not always receive respectful welcomes upon their arrive on American soil. There were 58,000 killed, never to return. National Vietnam War Veterans Day recognize the military service of these men and women who answered the call to service their country when she needed them. They didn’t make the decisions to go to war.

On National Vietnam War Veterans Day, we recognize the service and duty rendered by all servicemen and women of this era.

Source: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-vietnam-war-veterans-day-march-29/


We celebrated with a program at our Sumner County, Tennessee administration office building by having a pinning ceremony welcoming home those who served. Did you know that besides the Army nurses, we had over 90 enlisted women serve in Vietnam at one time, routing every 12 months or so, usually stationed at Long Binh, approximately 20 miles from Saigon.                                                                                  



See also: 




by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Thank you for reminding us of this day. to recognise the service and duty rendered by those who served in Vietnam.
Dorothy, thank YOU for YOUR Service!
Ditto to what everyone said about Dorothy. Also thank your also for reminding us of this day.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+12 votes
Greetings from Brightlingsea, Essex, England

Good Friday has turned out rather wet and miserable. Have plenty to do over the weekend, that is as well as my family history.  Busy as always supporting my Dad and keeping up with my meetings. Yesterday it was the Brightlingsea Lido Trustees meeting - our outdoor swimming pool will be transferred from our local district council back to the town of Brightlingsea and I am down to be one of the Trustees. It has been great to work with a committed group of people and we plan to open at the end of May for the summer season.Also the project has alot of support within the town. Though much remains to be done in the lead up to  the opening. I expect to be busy from April with various aspects of work. May even be doing some painting as the pool is in need of a re-fresh.              Whilst we are concentrating on the opening for 2018, ideas for future developments in later years. But the emphasis is on our 2018  season.

Work on Wikitree seems to have slowed a bit of late. though i really need to do some more work on my Dad's family connections in the former county of  Westmorland, England. Have been trying to do alot on my Brightlingsea connections.

Have a good Easter everyone - more next time.....
by Chris Burrow G2G6 Pilot (221k points)
Thanks Chris for sharing with us today. Hope your Easter weekend is blessed!
Oh, I forgot to say, share some photos as the pool gets closer to opening for the community to enjoy!!
Chris missed you!  Love hearing about your picturesque town.  Glad you have the pool politics under control and are now working on the facility.  Pools are a lot of work but also a great deal of fun!
Ditto to what every one said Chris.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+13 votes
One hour into an overnight train trip to return home we had a person who
committed suicide by standing on the train tracks and being killed.  It tied up medical and law enforcement personelle for over four hours, and shut down all trains for the same time.  Then they had to be rescheduled and spaced out over the next several hours so we got in almost eight hours late.  Our train engineer supposedly said something to the effect of "Next time go jump off a bridge and leave me alone".  We all felt so sorry for him.  The law required the train system to replace the conductor and engineer immediately but I can imagine the impact on him for life.  I don't
want to experience such a situation again either and all I did was sit in
my seat and wait for reports on what was being done.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (569k points)
Wow, that is sad. And waiting for hours for the investigators to finish up with  their job and clear the way for trains to resume had to be frustrating.

I feel sorry for the friends and family of the individual who did that. Sometimes you really wish you could rewind the clocks so that maybe, just maybe someone could have talked that individual out of committing suicide. The pain and anguish left behind is so unreal.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by this, including yourself going through it by being on that train.
The train was three quarters of a mile long.  The body was dragged for some distance and train personelle had to look for body parts that may
have been lost over that distance.  I don't know how it was done because the train was not moved and how could someone have crawled under it and examined the track.  All I can imagine is perhaps a cadaver dog.  The
engineer blew his whistle for over two minutes and he just stood there with
his back to the train.
Oh m, what a horrible experience.  I truly feel for everyone involved.  So very sorry you had to go through that.
Ditto to what everyone said Beulah.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+12 votes
Just feeling overwhelmed. A good friend is dealing with possibly losing his dad fairly soon -- seems his body is just slowly shutting down. And I'm trying to rebuild all my sources that didn't import and I can't find the most important binder ever and I'm terrified it got left behind at my mom's and destroyed. It was a 1" 8x14 binder full of copies of original wills, war records, every piece of documentation I had that was oversized. I have 30 years worth of paper to try and go through to re document people, cause I'm not finding the information electronically and neither I nor my mom would have written out a date without a good reason or logical suspicion that would have been backed by something.

So I can't move forward till I proof what I had, and I'm just in over my head.
by Katrina Whitaker G2G6 Mach 4 (40.4k points)
I feel your pain Katrina, both on your friend's dad and losing your binder.... Does your friend's dad have cancer or something? Hopefully there are good memories to hang on to. Glad you are there for him. When you get my age, almost 69, you see lots of good friends and family members bodies just give up after awhile, yet you see others live until they are 90 plus years old or more.

I sure hope the binder just pops up under all that other stuff or at your mom's, so you won't have to do the research again.  Back in the 1980's I lost important documents when I moved back home from Germany after three years. It is a sicking feeling that is for sure.
I sympathize with you  in the panic that can cause.  I hope your Mom is familiar with the binder also so she can help search and know what it is
so there is less chance of it being lost.  Best of luck on it being found.
I'm of an age (45) where I'm seeing friend's parents start to decline. His dad's kidneys are really bad. The family as a whole needs to decide if he goes into a nursing home on daily dialysis or not.
Oh, my mother is very familiar with the binder. She started it. Back in the mid-70's or so when she started this crazy hobby. Then when I was about 8 or so (3rd grade) I promptly told her one day that I was going to help. And so I did. She took me to the library and the archives, taught me about indexes and cross indexes, microfilm and microfiche. I still have original records copied in my childish script, carefully legible.

The one of the hardest things I had to do was add her to the family tree -- 2 Sept 1945 to 19 Nov 2016. If I didn't grab that binder when cleaning the house, it's been destroyed. But she's with Daddy who passed in 2010, and her mom (my Grandma Lillie) in 2015.  Grandma would tell so many family stories as we chased down the tree! Some things I can't prove, but I know because of her.
Katrina,  I am so sorry you have these points of pain in you life.  It is extremely difficult watching those we love go into that time of physical decline where it seems like any little thing causes a domino effect.  

Your binder sounds like a wonder of great research and memories.  Sometimes we bring things home after someone passes on and forget where we put it.   I can't imagine you leaving something that important to you and your mom...  so, take a deep breath and try to remember the last time you saw it or touched it.  Did you bring any boxes that have not been unpacked yet (I have several and both my parents died 2015) or could you have put it on a bookshelf or in a cabinet?  When all else fails I have been known to sit down and have a "conversation" with my ancestors asking them to help me find what I am looking for.  Often something weird happens and I find that missing item.  Good luck and let us know if you do find it.

Also if you want help re-researching feel free to post here or in G2G details you want backup for.   Some of us might have some software access that you do not.
And a lot of the records you have copied by hand may now have been transcribed and found on the computer now.  This will make recreating some of it easier too.
THE BINDER HAS BEEN FOUND!!!  Amazing daughter helped me go through all the boxes again and we found it!
Celebrate!   I just knew something like that would be too valuable and it had to be in a box brought back...  I just felt that in my bones since I did the same kind of stuff when my parents died and was cleaning out the house.  I still have boxes I have not had time to open and go through... I just know  have family "treasures" in them...
Did daughter commit at 3rd grade too?  It sounds like a truly wonderful
family to carry on the traditions and wikitree is fortunate to have such
quality contributors.  I had a true frisson on thrill go down my spine when I read it was found.  Keep up the good work.
Awesome news Katrina, I was hoping you would find it (your wonderful binder).
So glad you found the binder!
Ditto  to what everyone said Katrina. I know how you friend feels my dad's Kidneys did the same in 2013 also he developed vascular demetia that same year and it has been really hard on us he is going to a clinic on Tuesday morning, Thursday morning, and Saturday morning for four hours. His condition is getting worse plus now he has 2 masses in his adomen. He will be 86 this July if he makes it. He can't do anything even walking. Plus my mom has rheumatic arthritis diease that can kill her and she will be 80 in October. I have a answer on the 2 nd page that you should read and you will know how things go with people like that. So I know how your friend feels and going through.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+14 votes

Hi Everybody and Happy Easter!

Just checking in.  Last week I cruelly teased you with a picture of a pile of random items.  They started from a YouTube video that whispered to me, "You must try this."   This was the result:




by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (768k points)
Herb you are a wonderful imp!  What the devil is that?
Thanks, Laura!  That is a 6-foot bullwhip made of parachute cord.
I wondered if that was a bullwhip.  But you don't see a lot of those today...
That's sort of why I did it, Laura.  I have a friend who runs a small cattle ranch, and whose day job is an agency specializing in insurance for ranches and dairies.  I have to ask him whether they still see common use in those industries.
Yeah I remember seeing them on walls in some restaurants with a western theme.   I have been on cattle ranches and have not seen them used on the ones I have been on.  But I was there doing  a photo shoot for a client about keeping cattle healthy.   So not much use for what I was there for.
Apparently they were used in Florida by the cattlemen when about all that existed there were herds of cows.  Supposedly they snapped them to scare
the cattle and the sound resulted in the nickname "Florida Crackers" for
the cowboys.
I've found similar info, Beulah.  Whips were historically used to control livestock by sound.  The animals tend to move away from the crack, so it helps make them go where you want them to go.  Works for cattle and horses, in herds or when hauling wagons, stagecoaches, buggies, etc.  It takes some skill to make the crack in the right place - left, right, ahead, behind - without hitting the animal.  By the way, a good crack is quite loud.  No one has stopped by to check out the gunfire from my property yet.  :)

I have also heard a similar origin for the term 'cracker,' but in a more sinister context.  Probably best to leave that aspect alone!
Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+12 votes

All natural Bryers french vanilla icecream stuffed in a crepe (pancake) covered with strawberry and caramel sauce with whipped cream. YUMMY!!!

by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (410k points)
Sounds delicious!   But I want some chocolate too!
See, as a general rule I hate chocolate unless it is white chocolate or it has peanut butter with it.

You make your own and put chocolate syrup on it. :P
I am with Laura and Steven.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+10 votes

Any chemist or chemistry students out there??

Today is..... 




National Bunsen Burner Day is observed every March 31st.  This day honors the birthday of German chemist Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen.

Named after Robert Bunsen, a Bunsen burner is a common piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame which is used for heating, sterilization and combustion.  The gas can be either natural gas (usually methane) or a liquefied petroleum gas, such as propane, butane or a mixture of the two.  

The invention of the Bunsen burner opened up new opportunities for the use of natural gas. A standard tool in chemistry, the Bunson burner is found throughout schools and laboratories around the world. Most students become familiar with the use of Bunsen burner for at least one semester during their high school career. 



by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Some of us may have almost blown up our chemistry lab....   those things can be dangerous....
Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+10 votes
After a very long class last night, about 4 hours with an lot of math, I woke up this morning. That is the good news. I also discovered that I already earned my club 1000 badge for this month, I was shocked about that. N big plans for this weekend because 3 family members have to work, health care and law enforcement as well as some retail still have to keep us safe, healthy, and provide for our needs. So I guess I might have a little time to work on those profiles I adopted that are unsourced and unimproved since 2010.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Dale if you need help with any of the sourcing feel free to ask for help!
Laura, the problem is that they are possibly all jumbled up. I found one this morning that had the married name as the LNAB, but I still found the correct name because of following other data and sources. Right now I am trying to figure out the 3 named Richard.
Dale I have centuries of people with the same names, living in the same towns, in overlapping time periods.   I use an excel template and color code confirmed with green highlighted cells.   Maybes are displayed for comparison to other data.  And lots of notes!  

But the ability to sort different ways really makes a difference because sometimes the records are actually part of the problem.  

Birth may be Jean Georges

Marriage under Georg

Work under Georges or later Georges dit Chambre

Surname always Walter same wife dates make sense, same parents = same person.

In this case I have parents attached but there are no records for that and at the same time the other siblings are found with the parents in census records when the person in question should have been there also. In the incorrect LNAB I found a husband and wife with the same LNAB on here but the only records show her as married except for FAG and a marriage record that both have a different LNAB than what the profile shows. In the case of the 3, at least, Richards they have no locations, no parents names, and very close birth dates It is just going to take a little time to sort this mess out.

Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+11 votes

Just a little bit of history for this holiday weekend. Was having a discussion with my mother the other day and we wondered how often Easter and April Fools' Day are the same day. So I did a search and this is the information that I found.

Easter fell on April Fools’ Day in 1714, 1725, and 1736. It happened again in 1866, 1877, and 1888. It also happened in 1923, 1934, 1945 and 1956. All three groups of dates came 11 years apart. Now, in 2018, it won’t happen again for another 11 years, in 2029, and 2040.

I hope everyone has a great holiday and enjoy spending time with your families.


by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (784k points)
Wow 11 year cycles are everywhere!  


There are some philosophies that think humans change physically and mentally every 11 years (some say 7, some say 10, just depends on the philosophy).
Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.
+9 votes

Thanks for hosting the weekend Laura..indeed like Chris says..tons of emails eeh :P 

Time really so flies, Easter already now and in just a few weeks ..will probably feel like a day or so, the Spring Clean-a-Thon, thanks for adding it here as well Laura and did you all know the Clean-a-Thon was Laura's idea ? So thanks for the best idea ever Laura it's always so much fun ! 

Have a great Easter everyone ! and o if you are looking for some action check out our Dutch Roots Challenge, and you all are welcome to participate (we for the first time are having one with the Challenge tracker) Here's our Challenge G2G so just ''hop'' in !

by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (311k points)
Thanks Bea!   Really I get too much credit.  I basically stated the obvious!

Everyone was posting about all the errors.  So coming from a long line of charity and corporate work I suggested we pick a day and all pitch in.  Working together and many hands make the work lighter!  Eowyn took and and made it into what we have today.  She deserves the credit for the major event.  Mine was just an idea to work together!

Emails,  Bea,  I get thousands everyday so I have a system set up.  Those with specific addresses get directed to special folders.   Some folders I check every hour or two, some immediately.  Some when I have time.  

So because the chat comes in just as Your WikiTree G2G question was answered I make it a point to look at everyone one of those when I host a chat for those 3 days instead of when I have time.   I try to empty out my when I have time folder on Thursdays for WikiTree so that it is clean for the chat.  Really it is not too bad.  

I get tons of emails in foreign languages from all the other groups and projects I am involved in which take more time because I have to translate those.  French I read pretty well.  Hungarian I struggle through.  German I use a machine translator...  Spanish I wait for my 5 year old granddaughter who is taking Spanish to help me with...  I only a few of those...  so not too bad...  

My business ones are all immediate.  There are a lot of emails every day.  But only a few on the weekend.  And those are mainly during the day,

So except for all the WikiTree designated ones, they are not too bad to manage.  And because the weekend chat is just 3 days with most of the activity after my business ones subside it really is not a big issue.  The bigger issue is knowing which of all the various WikiTree ones I get go to which group.   The google email groups are better because they tell you what they are for so I can set up a path for them to the right folder.  




Everyone welcome to the Easter and April Fools WikiTree weekend chat.

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